
@erinna: I loved Janette, but I think that Jeanine will win. Maybe Brandon. I was surprised that Ade was voted off, I thought he was fantastic. I goes to show that its just as much a popularity contest as a dancing competition.

So, in the vein of "what are you eating right now?", but far more revealing, I ask - what's in your fridge? (the weirder/grosser, the better)

@jdawgg297: A few months ago they put little computer catalog thingies in the B&N near my house. It even gives you suggestions, and prints out little receipts.

@morninggloria:my dad wanted to be a gold rhino with a wooden horn. We joke that this wish came partly true. He is a rather grumpy human being.

"delicate, tiny, very talented celebrity starlets"

@Jorie Slodki: The one that bothers me the most is Minnie mouse being forced to take off her clothes. Although completely ridiculous, that really, really bothered me.

@BlondeGoddess: Except a white russian milkshake would be delicious. And already in existense - it's called a polar bear.

@gangey: Yes, yes it is. Do it. Watch them. You will never ever regret watching an episode of Battlestar. Just pace yourself, because there are only four seasons. And when they are gone, they are gone (or not, depending on how optimistic you are about "Caprica").

@Sarah Dove: Well, as it says in the article, it was more like 80 signs. Still pretty funny, but not as funny as this: Unrelated, Wauwatosa is the Potawatomi word for firefly.

@kellieherson: Oh no she did NOT call you a coastie! When it's winter in the midwest, you wear what is warm. Period. Even if that means Land's End parkas, long underwear, or Uggs (or Fuggs as the case may be).

@BuyMoreMakeup: Maybe he could somehow bleach his leg hair? I am rather hirsute, with quite a lot of arm hair, but I feel that shaving or waxing it would lead to a six on one hand, half a dozen on the other situation. Are hairy arms any worse than completely bald ones? Getting to the point, my new job requires me

Could somebody please list the source for this picture? I've been looking for a human-hair beard piece, and this one looks to be just perfect.

@KitCatCadillac: Excuse me - that was completely wrong. Miss Scarlet is, in fact, married to James Lipton.

@andBegorrah: Here's a fun factoid. Miss Scarlet is Michael Caine's wife. I think. I need to go verify.

@BrutallyHonestBabes (aka Mrs....: As someone with a long history of severe, chronic depression, I know that my chances of getting PPD are very high when (a long, long time from now) I have a child. It's a scary thought, but at least I am aware of the risks and symptoms, and have a fantastic support system already

Looks like someone spent some serious time with their bedazzler...

@inabook: I've been saying this for a while. For me though, its also that I do NOT want to be embalmed. I mean, I'll be dead, so I wont care, but it still seems like a messed up thing to do to the former corporeal being of a person. Its not like there's going to be two months between my death and the funeral