Eh, this is kinda like when people go up to socialists and say shit like, ‘well, if you hate money so much, why do you have a bank account?’
Eh, this is kinda like when people go up to socialists and say shit like, ‘well, if you hate money so much, why do you have a bank account?’
Giant Bomb’s Persona 4 Endurance Run is the first Let’s Play I ever watched.
Hi. Patrick Stewart is my favourite actor, and no fictional character has had more of a influence on me than Jean-Luc Picard—he was pretty much my barometer for right versus wrong, growing up. I am incredibly excited about the idea of any new stories featuring Picard.
I think my current favourite genre of local-who-moans-about-students is the post-election, ‘It’s not fair that they get to have a say in who represents our constituency’ local news interviewee. 2017 wasn’t much fun, but that, at least, was a bright spot.
I really like the clickiness, personally. Probably something to do with the fact that the input method I’ve spent the most time with is still mouse/keyboard—nothing but clicking here. (Well, except for the two slightly mushy arrow keys on my keyboard that may or may not have been covered in soy sauce once.)
I think this is supposed to be the first stage of a mass re-introduction of the feature, with the idea being to follow it up with new avatar-based games, Xbox Live profile features, and so on.
Yeah, I think I remember hearing about that somewhere—never actually played it though, sadly.
Okay, I was already excited, but between this and Waypoint’s impressions - seriously, listen to this if you’re even a little interested in the game - it’s genuinely getting to the point where I can’t remember the last time I was this stoked for a game pre-release.
I don’t really get what you mean? They’ve haven’t shown gameplay yet.
Still holding out hope for a, ‘The Witcher: The Adventures of Ciri’ spin-off someday.
Yeah, someone made this mashup on YouTube, and holy shit do I want a Ciri cameo even more having seen it.
It’s gonna have a photo mode, so you’ll presumably be able to pull the camera out and spin it around whenever—it just won’t be a gameplay thing.
metroid :(
i dig this
ubisoft was better than bethesda