
While I generally agree with the premise that no car has been “dangerously slow” for quite a while, I don’t think that applies here. These cars became slower without the owners knowing it, which I would argue is a case of becoming dangerously slow if you suddenly realize while trying to merge that your car is not

Well a 0-40mph time in the 7 second range and a 0-60 time in the 10-11 second range is roughly the performance of the 1st gen Prius, 1987 Honda Civic Wagovan I owned and the 1991 Ford Escort I owned.

That’s something else that bothers me: it shouldn’t have been an “A”. When the OG Enterprise went through a massive refit from TOS to TMP, it didn’t get the change in registry. Excelsior went from NX to NCC when it stopped being the transwarp testing platform.

wow, congrats for buying the story the rich tell you hook, line, and sinker. you’re a great example of why nearly half the united votes against their own self interests

It would probably be far more beneficial to the Dutch economy if he took that $500 million and used it to pay his Dutch workers more.  

The bigger problem here is that the writers do not understand the term REFIT, even after messing it up last year by calling the new Stargazer a refit.

Except with tax havens, tax loopholes and credits, it’s most likely half if not entirely money that was syphoned OUT of multiple economies, not being put IN to economies.

He could have done the same thing and more by building a library, hospital, or school and not have missed a penny. The benefits would outlast the build, too.

Why not both?

Except it’s not. They explicitly state in the episode itself she’s a refit, and the same ship Riker commanded in Lower Decks. The Captain even made a remark about having to scrub all of Riker’s jazz music out of the computers when he was being a colossal dick at dinner.

“I said to production designer Dave Blass, ‘I think the Titan should feel something like this.’”

I think it would have been really powerful to just show the same Luna class we've been seeing in Lower Decks. It would've helped connect this era of Trek in a way we haven't seen since the few TNG/DS9 crossovers. 

Perhaps it makes sense then that, on reflection, as a new century begins and the Federation picks itself up from a period of crisis, that it wants its flagships to reflect an old era—a time of optimism and exploration.

It’s not inflation it’s price gouging. These companies are boasting record breaking profits, it’s literally just an experiment by the rich to see how much blood they can squeeze and get away with.  

Smallville was largely cheeseball corn, but it got a few things very right and one of them was Jonathan Kent.

Just keep having Chris Judge doing it,

He’s always been a heel though. 

32GB is what I would have been recommending as early as 2016.

I thought RAM didn’t need to be paired anymore?

please have forgotten the /s