
bu... but...

eh, just do what i do: skip the ones that don’t interest you, play the others.

fiiiiirm disagree. i love a good ubisoft dance number.

It’s going to be more of an RPG than ever. Odyssey creative director Jonathan Dumont says the new game “is pushing our franchise into full RPG.” He might as well have said it’s going full BioWare, as Odyssey is bringing several role-playing game stand-bys familiar in that studio’s RPGs into Assassin’s Creed for the

I want my character to ride a sick motorcyle that turns into a power suit by day, and sing in a rock band by night...

‘You play as V, a hired gun on the rise, who just got their first serious contract. In a world of cyberenhanced street warriors, tech-savvy netrunners and corporate life-hackers, today is your first step to becoming an urban legend.’

There’s multiplayer-only content, sadly. And it has to be played online.

I perked up when I heard that bit, too, but everything else they’ve put out makes it sound very much like you can’t play this without other people—at least, not if you want to have a good time. No matter what, it isn’t going to be like playing a singleplayer BioWare RPG, at least not going by everything I’ve read.

Yeah, that’s the thing—I do have a couple of friends who play games, but we don’t play together so much as we talk about/share what we’ve been playing alone. And, no matter how BioWare try to frame it, that’s a fundamentally different sort of experience from playing the same game at the same time, with a completely

Yah... Like, I’ve never had that many ‘gaming friends’, and I honestly don’t have much of a desire to make any, either? I like playing games alone; that’s why I’ve been a BioWare fan since I was, like, nine.

Confirmed no romances :(

Ah, yeah, meanwhile I absolutely hated the base-building in Fallout 4 - like, in a, ‘I can’t ignore this, it’s actively damaging the rest of the game’ sorta way - and completely ignored the survival mode, so the idea of a Fallout that doubles down on that stuff - even without the added multiplayer wrinkle, which would

I didn’t think so when I read it, honestly. You’re right to say that it’s all based on second-hand information - Jason hasn’t been able to play it himself - but the fundamentals, as described in both the piece, this podcast, and the other comments Jason’s made on Twitter, Reddit and ResetERA, seem completely set:

Eh, Jason’s never lead me wrong before, so if he says, ‘Fallout 76 is in fact an online survival RPG that’s heavily inspired by games like DayZ and Rust’, I’ll believe that’s exactly what it’s going to be.

  • Jason: A big blowout reveal of BGS’s long-rumored Starfield, more than just a teaser.

There are very few killing simulators like Hitman.

I think I ultimately found wasteland exploration in New Vegas more compelling than in Fallout 3, simply because, as you say, the writing/quests tended to be so much better, so I was actually excited about finding new places to get to experience more of that. I think 3's wasteland pathfinding was really good - the

It’s definitely worth it, and I don’t think it’s aged that poorly, all in all. I mean, if you played Fallout 3, it’s like that, but with much more complex roleplaying systems - skill and attribute checks, faction rep, and much more involved/complex decisions to make - moderately better shooting, and vastly better

Original to the game, so we probably won’t get to hear the full version until it’s out. There’ll almost certainly be a proper OST release, too.