KotOR II is legitimately my favourite game, ever. I genuinely think it’s the single best story ever told in the Star Wars universe, and it features my all-time favourite Star Wars character. In short, I could not recommend it more highly, particularly at this price!
KotOR II is legitimately my favourite game, ever. I genuinely think it’s the single best story ever told in the Star…
KotOR II? Yup! My all time favourite game. Much better on PC - ‘specially with the restored content fan patch - but I’d still heartily recommend playing the Xbox version if it’s all you have access to.
You can play almost anything - even the console-exclusive RPGs for most older systems - on a PC, so picking it kinda feels like cheating.
The original Xbox had KotOR II, so that.
I mean, one out of two ain’t bad.
Eh, Origins and Inquisition both have you dealing with ‘epic’, potentially world-ending threats. Dragon Age 2's the only one that really broke with that formula, and while I actually kinda love that game, most people weren’t so keen. (Though I really do think that was more to do with how rushed it was than the fact it…
Have they said anything about how, like, conversation trees are gonna work? Or if there’ll even be conversation trees?
Both the East Berlin spy game concept, and the idea of a new Mafia set in Vegas, sound like they could’ve been incredibly cool—particularly with the involvement of the Mafia 3 writing staff.
... I dunno what you’ve been reading, but the most prominent, ‘Far Cry 2 was good, actually’ voices I’ve heard have been from people like Austin Walker and the Idle Thumbs crew. They’ve been talking about how much they love that game for, well, as long as I’ve been following their stuff—at least half a decade. Here’s…
Yeah, it’s a real shame the campaign was so mediocre. It had a lot of good performances - Janina’s in particular - and potentially interesting characters, but just didn’t really do anything with them. (Also, y’know, I’d been waiting years and years for a decent new singleplayer Star Wars game, and since EA seem…
Eh, that’s shitty capitalism for you. Sony own the film rights to Spider-Man, and they were able to use that leverage to negotiate for a PlayStation-exclusive Spider-Man game. In a practical sense, it’s no different from them putting out an exclusive game with any other character that they own.
I mean, there’s nothing intrinsic to superheroes that makes them less exclusive-y? Sure, they’re popular, but the same goes for plenty of characters from exclusive games.
I really like the look of the web swinging/fighting in the clip they put out alongside the cover story.
Legitimately took me about a month to convince myself it was actually happening after the announcement. FMP was one of my favourite shows growing up, and I’d long since given up on the story ever being finished in anime form.
If this is what ‘as self-made as they come’ looks like, then the American dream really is an utter crock of shit.
Eh, I am really looking forward to Cyberpunk, and I’m really, really glad it’s not another fantasy* RPG, but cyberpunk and space opera are sufficiently different from one another that they don’t really scratch the same itch at all for me.
Yeah, same. And while I didn’t love Fallout 4, I actually thought Far Harbour was genuinely fantastic—like, approaching New Vegas quality, which is very high praise from me. So, if Far Harbour’s representative of where Bethesda’s game design is heading, I’m definitely onboard for SPACE!