
I mean, I’m positive it’s in the works... I’m just equally positive that we won’t be seeing it for a good long time yet. I think they’ve said they plan to release two whole Bethesda Game Studios games* before the next TES? It’s probably gonna come out a couple of years after the PS5\next Xbox.

Okay, so, this could work out less than great, but the concept plus that trailer is doing a lot for me.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels. Both are high-quality entertainment that kids like, but I’m lukewarm on the cartoons overall. They have their moments, but they’re just not special the way the movies are.

Still holding out hope for them to do something with the Star Trek licence, eventually. It’d be such a good fit.

Drat, it was on 51% last I checked.

Hey, according to Rotten Tomatoes, it’s officially the best-reviewed video game adaptation ever made!

I’m pretty sure you need to jailbreak to get any non-MFi-certified controller to work, sadly, and the PS4 controller definitely isn’t MFi certified.

Eh, I could definitely see myself bringing a controller along to play this on my tablet.

No joke, I would be absolutely fucking delighted to have Ciri show up in Cyberpunk as, like, a one-off side-quest giver or something.

I did, and the moment I imagine you’re planning to bring up was indeed fun—and a big part of why I was surprised at Rise’s resolute refusal to let me use more than one pistol at a time.

Oh, so would I—I love her bow, and I think going all in on the bow was a really smart move for the Tomb Raider reboot in general.

Hoping, as always, for dual pistols to finally take their place as part of Lara’s standard arsenal.

Indeed. I never managed to make a character I was completely happy with using it myself, but some of the stuff I found online was just incredible, to the point where I eventually just gave up and used someone else’s design after a bunch of futile fiddling:

Obsidian do this a lot, with your attributes and skills affecting how you talk to people and the ways in which you can interact with the world. It’s in, well, everything of theirs I’ve played, from KotOR II through to Pillars of Eternity.

This’ll probably be best for people playing on tablets with controllers hooked up. I guess. Assuming they’re including support, anyway.

I wanted more spaceships :(

If you don’t think there are thousands of people desperately wishing to tenderly drag a stylus across Geralt’s face, you are very wrong.

If you want the ability to stream your own music collection for free
- with the option of keeping a local copy to save data/avoid issues in areas with no reception - I’d recommend giving Google Play Music a look?

I’ve been using PocketCasts for years, and I’m generally really happy with it. The interface is good—it’s easy to use but still offers plenty of advanced features. It syncs your progress across devices—tho this can be a little fiddly at times. And, finally, it’s available on everything - iOS, Android, and a web client

Now playing

The Inquisitor dismantling the Duchess’ plans in front of the whole court, tongue firmly in cheek, remains my single favourite scene in all of Inquisition. I desperately wish more games in general would do stuff like this.