
They’ve apparently taken steps to specifically address this exact issue in Deadfire.

What I’d really want would be a proper KotOR II remaster, but that’s never happening for a whole host of reasons, even if EA decide to start redoing everything.

I buy parts from The Republic but I prefer to think of myself as a trading partner of some sort, rather than a citizen.

Kimi ni Todoke’s a very slow burn, but I really liked it, too. Watching Sawako come out of her shell, ever so slowly, was just incredibly heartwarming—honestly, I think I cried more at the emotional moments between her, Ayane and Chizu than I did the stuff with Kazehaya.

Still holding out hope we’ll get a micaculous Spice and Wolf anime finale at some point. I’d given up completely... But then they announced a continuation of Full Metal Panic! (another great romance show, though very different obviously) almost a decade after the last series ended, and now I’m convinced anything can

Holy shit Takagi-san caught me completely by surprise this season, it’s so good!

I really loved a lot about Maid-sama - Misaki is just a wonderful character, and a fantastic protagonist - but I just couldn’t stand the love interest, like at all.

Yeah, I feel the same way, and Toradora is similarly an exception for me: Taiga and Ryuji become so close, so early in the show’s run, that even though it takes them a long time to realise that their feelings for one another aren’t simply platonic, you get to spend so much time watching them grow closer together

I really don’t think Ryuji could take Taiga in a fight. He’s much bigger, obviously, but she’s a lot stronger than she looks and - light novel detail, though it’s pretty obvious from watching the anime too - a very skilled martial artist. Ryuji, meanwhile, doesn’t have a mean bone in his body, and he’s never been in a

Eh, school uniforms help keep the poorer kids from getting bullied for not being able to afford expensive clothes, or a bunch of different outfits to wear throughout the week. I didn’t love having to wear one growing up - I’m in the UK; almost all schools have uniforms here - but it wasn’t like it was a huge burden,

I’d settle for making the Warden Eternal a little less eternal, adding some actual exposition, and providing character development - or, heck, even just character establishment - for LITERALLY FUCKING ANYONE.

The coming year will be critical for BioWare. The prestigious RPG developer has essentially become a one-game studio as it works on Anthem, and pressure is mounting. For more, read our story from last week.

Ah, that’s a nice touch. It’s a super good soundtrack, too—only issue is, I can’t hear it without getting a bit misty still, so it’s not something I can just put on whenever, at least not right now.

Now playing

I actually just watched Your Name for the first time yesterday... There was quite a bit of crying.

I’ve seen this episode of Stargate.

Like, I’m generally more of a space opera person than cyberpunk, but this is still my most anticipated game by a fairly significant margin.

Warzone already established how to make loot boxes work in an unobtrusive way.