
Wouldn’t a Halo PUBG be more akin to an expanded BTB than Warzone?

The community mod - The Sith Lords Restored - is less a mod and more a patch? Like, it’s not custom content—it’s stuff that the devs wanted to include but couldn’t ‘cause they ran out of time, glued together by the community and inserted into the game. It does make for an improvement, overall, but it doesn’t change

That’s so funny—it made me want to go back and replay KotOR II for the umpteenth time, and is probably the most ‘for me’ Star Wars movie there’s ever been.

I justt ended up dressing my Warlock as a kinda raggedy astronaut... Which, not gonna lie, is a look I dig.

I loved The Last Jedi, in large part because it’s the closest a Star Wars film has gotten to KotOR II.

I mean, if I were writing this list, I’d definitely put KotOR II on there over the first one...

Someone, anyone, please to christ find a way to get the licence to Obsidian so they can make a new Star Wars RPG. Like, it doesn’t even have to be KotOR III—anything would do!

I really liked her—she reminded me of Captain Jellico from Star Trek.

Oh she’s definitely coming back for another five minutes in the next one.

Fuck off with this reductive shit, seriously. Getting to the point where women aren’t regularly attacked online for daring to get involved with the video game community - thereby making games, and game development, a space that isn’t far more welcoming for men than it is women - would be a huge fucking start just by

The very fact that you feel female protagonists have to be ‘forced’ to fit, while men get to have all the lovely little power fantasies they want, is proof enough all by itself that, yeah, this is still a big fucking deal.

The Bulletstorm shoutout got my attention, at least.

ambitious RPGs with good world-building

Well, Obsidian are my favourite developer, and it kinda sounds like the compromises you have to make to enjoy this are exactly the same sorts of compromises as you have to make to have Obsidian as your favourite developer, so... I’m in, I guess?

Yeah, Sense has always been the best substantial - so, not just minor tweaks like OnePlus’ Oxygen OS or what they use on Motorola phones - skin. The rest are generally UI/performance nightmares.

I just wish companies would go back to using plastic on (some) high-end phones. The nice kind, not the cheap-feeling stuff:

Indeed. A modern Xperia Play - with actual analogue nubs - is pretty much exactly what I’m thinking of.

... wow

Honestly, that wouldn’t really do it for me—I specifically want a phone that doesn’t require an extra add-on to be good for physical-controls-based gaming. A modern take on the Xperia Play with actual analogue nubs, basically: