
He’s got a social disease? Then send him to a social worker!

Some cats like being folded up and played like an accordion...ok, that was just one particular cat, and we are pretty sure he was just too stupid to understand what was happening other than love

My takeaway here is that basically every country is terrible on race, just in different ways.

i am not throwing away my - SHOP

If your vape pen is truly scentless, fine, do what you want. If your vape pen stinks like blueberry unicorn vomit, I say you should be ejected from the train before the next stop.


And then, as I was about to tell them directly that I was not interested, one of them TOOK MY NOTEBOOK AND PEN OUT OF MY HANDS and said, “Why would you want to spend time in a fantasy world when you could spend it in reality with us?”

evolve and chill

Harness fire and chill..

The problem is, everyone has urges. Everyone. Everybody’s wanted, secretly, to run up and kiss a drop dead gorgeous hottie, push that obnoxious teenager off his skateboard, chase down a dumbshit driver and put dents in her damn car to teach her that you can text or drive but not both.

times is hard.

I don’t know if I’m just in an emotional mood today, but I’m literally crying at these as if “It’s Quiet Uptown” was on. Thank you.

They actually started the development company that razed the restaurant and are managing the apartments and businesses - so they cashed in.

The boat sinks. Romeo and Juliet Die. So does Hamlet. Bonnie and Clyde die as well. Ratso Rizzo dies on the busride to Florida. Verbal Kint is Keyser Soze. God is Alanis Morrisette. Tommy breaks free of the cult after they kill his parents and he gets his sight, voice and hearing back. Oh, and Rick doesn’t get on the

As an only child, I take offense at that! Besides, it's obviously middle child behavior.

Vancouver, WA may have a reputation for hickery with all the new Portland transplants but it’s rapidly becoming the more affordable, less pretentious spot where people priced out of Portland can still afford a home. I don’t know how many times I’ve had people talk crap about Vancouver only to find out they’ve never

Not saying Vancouver WA is much more than a hick outpost across the border from Portland, but you folks might want to check your facts - it was actually established first.

You clearly don’t hang out in yoga studios. This shows excellent judgment.

“She called you daddy for 18 years, now it’s our turn.”

Ugh, none space.