
Depends on who wil play Skull, becouse Hugo don’t want the gig.

Her son was busy?

Now playing

Yey! An other Sun beneath the sea- fan! My gift to you, Norwegian singer Ingrid Olava’s cover of the intro music

I really hope Singer stick to the wonderful BAMF! Sound design. It really sounded the same way my back then 12 year old thought it sounded, reading the comics.

Yupp. Loved the book and the movie. Chruise’s Lestat was a tad different Lestat, but good. I did not, at the time understand that the creepy distant “Only I matters, HA-HA!” Thing going on wasn’t Lestat the caracter, but Cruise the personality seeping through. Seen it since

Oh, it did, but how much? The Thomas the tank engine fight is pure Wright, and it was the best thing in the trailer. I think it’s gona be good if it’s Wright enough. but not Wright-good

Oh lordy.. I allmost wish I wasn’t a free range thinker, so I could pray for her...

He can see it cuz he cant se through it. Classic Superman comic “bad guy did not think that through” twist near the end

Dang.. I was replying to another post, not yours. Kindja changed it. Allmost happend earlyer today, but notised. Don’t think Kinja likes Ipad..

I know, and I so agree with you. As a scandinavian brougt up on american pop culture, I’m facinated by how all the heroic american roles goes to foreigners. The brits and the ozzies are good and hard working. (The Stath as an FBI agent? Pft...) But come on, not one american actor could pull of a corn bred, mid-western

Yup.. Just like Wolverine. And Superman. And Batman. Magneto. And spiderman. And Kick-Ass/Quicksilver. Adama Jr. And the lead on Walking dead. And and and

Not only bad. It’s one of the evil Robbie Williams time-clones. Killing, boy-banding.. There’s no end to theyr wicked ways..

Duplicate of the original, just more of everything, it looks from the trailer. Feel sad for Sam Rockwell. He needs better gigs. Or representation..

Guess(hope) they give him somethin' smoth and scoundrelistic to do in the next two movies. Keeping some of the nostalgia goodies for later. And he needs the exercise..

"The time-traveling is just too dangerous. Better that I devote myself to study the other great mystery of the universe: women!"

It kinda smells like X-men III to me. There they used the Dark Phenix saga, one of the best ever, but left out everything cool about it. I'm afraid TDKR gets the same treatment here, but truely hope not. In TDKR they had a long history, making their dynamic more bombastic when coliding.

Nope. He hurt us..