
Nope. Not funny at all. An usual day at Gauker. Computer ses no...

I thought Tobey Mcguire had the rights, trying to get it of the ground few years back. But his father in law is a biggie over at Sony( I think), so maby when going gets tuff, they keep it in the family. Sinse they are betting on the asian market, i wonder if they go for the original storyline, or the "cut&paste"

this is M E N T A L ! He'll eart the scenery, in a gooood way. Cooper has always delivered, no matter the role. Though Negga does not exactly have that ex-junky white trash look, she's good. And now Gilgun.. M E N T A L ! ! ! Rogan jada-jada-jada...

vikings is good, but as a Scandinavian, it kinda gets on my nerves too. A "swedish" viking living in a fjord, though they are placed in Norway. And the british isles described like a mystical island that most people think is a myth etc etc. We knew our way around the continent before we started bitch-slaping it. But

And as usual with Craven, this is gona be very good, og very bad..

Yeah, why not give the Da Vinci "truthers" a new perspective on things:)

Y E S . That's exactly what we need. A remake of a foreign property Hollywood don't quite get, cuz subs to hard to read n' shit. But it got big monsters n' kids these days like them monsters... When is Zemecki's full CGI Battleship Potenkin with Jason Sudekis and Cameron Diaz as lovers torn apart in a time of

I just can't make up my mind about the CGI- Tracys. Is it better then dolls? At least they looked like real dolls. Cinda Johny Quest'ish

Maby McCain? It's not like the US has given training, weaponds and aid to a rebel force in a far away country, that a few years later come back with a vengance, biting it's ass? Nah.. Could never happend..


all depends on the type. Light "pilsner" ( Miller etc), about 4*c. Darker, the warmer

Eh.. Wow?

Well.. Paul Ruben at the movie theatre was the reason of this long hiatus...

I'm a man of science, but when I was 15, in North of Norway, I saw this one. I was driving my moped on a country road. I saw a light at the edge of my eye, just asuming it was a flair in the helmet from the setting sun. Nope. Not rational at all. It went paralell with me, 30ft to my left, 15ft up in the air. Like a

yup. Depriving kids early of one of theyr most imprtent lessons in life: to ask the question why..

Check out the Empire Magazine podcast with her from last year. She's quite funny and sweet. No thespian mega-ego there. Kinda fell in love with her all over again. And she writes too. Sci-fi eaven. I really hoped she could get a gig in the Ghostbusters remake. She has worked hard to get the word out that she is

One of Peter's best

ok, I'm in. Cronenberg it to death, and I'll see it twice at the cinema

Time trawel Nic Cage at it again, is he?

White, and old enough to (hopefully) be ashamed