-Or goes all Seinfeld. The re-runs no so funny when you feel the ass-hole character might be not so much character after all.
-Or goes all Seinfeld. The re-runs no so funny when you feel the ass-hole character might be not so much character after all.
Her son was busy?
Oh lordy.. I allmost wish I wasn’t a free range thinker, so I could pray for her...
yup. Depriving kids early of one of theyr most imprtent lessons in life: to ask the question why..
White, and old enough to (hopefully) be ashamed
yes Will Smith, Hollywood childhood with a dach of Scientology IS good for children. Now, go push them back in front of a microphone, camera or what have you...
the opinion turned in Norway after we saw the corruption of the IOC on top form working with corrupt Russia. Old fasist roots and fishy bussiness has bin well known like allways, but newer on display at this scale. If Norway compete for the olympics, some of the slopes and arenas of Lillehammer wil be reused/refitted,…
that is sooo low. I do not know who did what to you when, but that is not feminism, that's bitter hatred. I'm a male feminist fighting for a better world for my young baby girl, make a difference. You do not comunicate, you provocate
as a male feminist in maby the worlds most equal country (Norway), and not least father of an 8 months old girl, I am apawld by what has happend. No woman should be afraid to go out and be free to do what she wants. As a health worker handling a lot of psykiatric people, I know that Asbergers cant be blamed for this,…