
Well no one told them life would end this way...

I do think it’s particularly illustrative that they don’t even respect the outcomes of their own internal elections.

I definitely share the joy of seeing him in flames, but the idea of him NEVER getting the chair depends on the spines of a non-zero number of Congressional Republicans, which is not something I’d ever feel good about betting upon.  

True, but being part of that hype machine includes attracting actual financiers. Even actors that make a ton of money can’t really afford to bankroll an entire film production but their names are signals of quality that deeper pockets can get behind. Pretty much any time you see a name actor with an EP credit that’s

Don’t forget LARPing a Texan while livestream migrants or whatever. LMAO

He employs tech babble on frequent occasions when he wants to sound smart it’s nonsense.

The stream “upped sound frequency by 4 kHz,” he said on Twitter.

I talk about “voting with my wallet” though it’s probably a misnomer because I don’t expect it to drive any sort of change.

I never thought of “health code violations” as a nickname for Trump, but that works.

Reminder that Donald Trump named his son after “John Barron,” the fake PR person he invented to talk to reports and exaggerate his wealth.

A lotta y’all still dont get it. Ape holders can use multiple slurp juices on a single ape. So if you have 1 astro ape and 3 slurp juices you can create 3 new apes.

Radiohead, Weird Al, Bjork, and OK Go have all been mentioned, but I definitely think Tool’s video for Sober has to make this list. Weird and clever!

Now playing

Huge miss not including any Bjork on here, especially the work she did with Michel Gondry. She really innovated in this space and the medium.


The GOP has been playing a long game in their quest to turn America into a single party state, and this is very much a part of it.

WHY NO WIMMIN (can’t spell woman’s name).

looool those updates

It’s fun how meeting in the middle actually just means conceding to the right wing. Sort of like how being an independent of the “centrist” variety is just a euphemism for enabling that right wing.

I watched to the videos too, and found them very tongue in cheek.

Thanks for the link. I haven’t heard this angle before. Though, reading through the article, it also only offers conjecture, and remains unsubstantiated (and this is Mother Jones, the IGN of news). Still, this is sensible enough, so if it’s a nothing burger, than it’s a nothing burger. It’d be nice to know