
Logan Paul is the one who wrestles with WWE, Jake is a much better boxer even though Logan had a couple of boxing matches himself (including a farce of a prearranged fight where he danced for a few rounds with Floyd Mayweather and they didn’t have judges so Logan could claim he didn’t lose).

This behavior isn’t unique to gamers, it exists among any passionate fan base. Sports fans send death threats to refs and players, fans of a singer will harass someone they deemed to have offended their king/queen off of social media, etc. It’s just insane to me that someone can’t choose to like or not like an

Nothing better illustrates the failures of late stage capitalism than idiots dumb enough to get involved with stuff like this having $70,000+ spare to blow on it. Putting that in perspective - that is roughly the median household income in the United States.

Now playing

This is a good point. Kids have always bullied each other for not being up on the latest trends, it’s just the trends have changed.

R.C. Pro-Am?!?

Not speaking on the phone, but it’s phenomenal how many computer problems are resolved by restarting the machine or shutting it down and powering back on. 

Yes, of course. Like I said, this is indicative of the maddening Democratic tendency to argue policy on Republican terms.

Even though I hate the Democratic tendency to argue policy on Republican terms, it’s Biden signaling that he is not in favor of the most extreme hypotheticals that Republicans claim that Democrats support (late-term and partial-birth abortions). The majority of Americans were OK with the guidelines established by Roe,

Release the Matt Walsh Cut!

We still have no idea what the fuck he wants to “drill, drill, drill.”

Yeah, she’s angling for the VP spot under Trump pretty openly at this point.

Cool, cool. Just one question for you, Matty - if it wasn’t an insurrection, why were you and all of your fellow Congresscritters evacuated to secure locations?

Sure, she could be wrong, but her other co-star and her successor on the show support her version of events. Milano appears to be the only one claiming differently, and even her denial “I did not have the power to get anyone fired” is not inconsistent with her telling producers she’d leave the show if Doherty was

Nailed it. There’s the delay where his CPU is telling his human skin and muscles to run the smiling algorithm, then the low RAM issue in the middle of execution, and it never fails to bring an actual smile to my face to watch it:

Yep. I knew DeSantis was dead in the water when Fox News went to a cafe IN FLORIDA and found every single person wanted Trump, except for one woman (wearing a DeSantis shirt no less) who allowed that she’d be OK with either:

ALL OF the economic anxiety.

The MAGAts on Twitter are amazing in their ability to rationalize all of this. They claim that Sjoberg’s testimony that she didn’t see Trump on the island completely exonerates him despite him being on the flight logs, while her identical testimony that she didn’t see Clinton there is ignored.

I mean it’s basically his entire brand, pretending to be just an average guy who does totally normal stuff despite being the biggest box office star in the world (at least he was pre-Black Adam). Never mind that he works out like ten hours a day and is on a super strict diet all the time (plus a steroid regimen) to

That IS my narrative, you half-wit. That they are far more interested in preserving their own power than working towards actual progressive goals, or supporting candidates who will.