
The one bug that I ran into was that during the scene directly after I met Chuck and he was introduced to everyone else, Duck's model just... wasn't there. It was pretty weird, but also rather funny. Honestly, it made Chuck look like a total creeper who was talking to Katjaa's boobs XD

yes but... SPOILERS

I doubt it was hacked - he honestly seemed to have no idea why it happens to him, and he mentions that it has happened since he was a child. More likely it's some kind anomaly in his brain chemistry, since that's what sybil bases its calculations on for determining a subject's psycho pass

I'd argue that they fill completely different genre roles. Shin Sekai Yori is, as you seem to be suggesting, a suspense mystery with some psychological elements thrown in. Psycho-pass is more of a psychological crime drama with some mystery elements to it (but really, mystery usually implies that there's some chance

uh... there's no gay sex, there's simply a single scene or two with two guys making out/ two girls acting like teenage girls in love with each other... Beyond that, it's in the story for good reason (and no, I'm not going to tell it to you, since that would be a huge spoiler. Go find out for yourself :P)

I don't think we can judge it that quickly - after all, the previous episode left off completely on a cliff hanger and didn't really leave time to explain anything after Makishima killed Akane's friend. My bet is that they're going to figure out exactly why he isn't effected over the next half of the season

I'm not sure you can say that it isn't flawed - after all, it set the dominaters to kill mode on the woman in the first episode, simply because she was so incredibly stressed out at that moment in time. Also, it's kind of been hinted at that Akane is also a complete anomaly in the system (maybe not to the point that

well, they mention that her crime coefficient has gone up a bit in certain situations (it sounds like more than Makishima's does, since his doesn't seem to increase at all), but stabilizes extraordinarily fast, so it may be a variant on whatever is causing the system to not work for Makishima

yeah, honestly it feels a bit closer to Sunshine from the footage Mecha has posted. Still looks awesome either way

no, you're right. As other people have been saying, it's sonic music. :P

I've got only one complaint about this game (and it's a doozy): How in the world did Kenny maintain his amazing mustache for over 3 months, very likely without many of the necessary tools?! I'm calling foul on this one. :P

Also, though not really a game, I almost forgot that Katawa Shoujo came out this year. Definitely something that I didn't expect to be good, but man was I proven wrong

Man, I really need top lay most of the games on this list. MoTN, the walking dead, FTL, and OMD2 are the only ones I've gotten a chance to play (though I did end up buying BL2 during the steam sale, so that's something) :D

That's definitely at least one of my top 3, if not my favorite. There have just been so many great indie games this year...

Oh geez, that's a hard one -

Hm... Well, best would probably be when I got my Wii (technically it was a christmas present to myself. My parents never really got me video games, especially not consoles, as presents). I was on a waiting list to get it, and was scheduled to get it sometime during the week after christmas. However, christmas eve at

I absolutely love the music for Mark of the Ninja, personally. It has a lot of personality

actually, EVs and IVs have existed since the original pokemon games. They are what make the stats of a pokemon unique (IVs cause different stats for the pokemon when it's generated, EVs cause faster boosts to stats and are obtained by defeating specific pokemon. ie Beating a Vulpix gives your pokemon 1 speed EV. For

I didn't play the Lego Island game, but I did play the Lego Racers game. Damn, that takes me back...

Elder Scrolls reference.