
Why not just play it again on a DS? If you sold yours, you can probably find one used cheaper than a new iPhone, and you can almost definitely find TWEWY cheaper than $20 used for DS, but why would you sell that masterpiece of a game? (assuming you did) :P

Wait, they put up the site early? Last I checked at 2 in the morning it said there were still 22 hours... Well, I guess it doesn't matter any more. I wonder if Square seriously believes that this was worth all of the hype they gave it, because if they do, then I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that they don't seem to

or, at least, that is what the information from IGN has led me to believe (they made it pretty clear that it was a port, so unless they got their info wrong, which is definitely a possibility, I would highly doubt that this is a sequel)

I'm just gonna chime in here with the other two, and say that I think you've misinterpreted this information - this is a port of the original TWEWY game that came out on DS. Not a new game at all

but it WASN'T entirely gesture based battles, I'm sorry to hear that you had trouble utilizing both parts of the fight, but the whole point of it was to make a game that used both touch screen and buttons for fights. Taking that away leaves a decent game, but it just won't have the same flair it originally did...

except, you know, TWEWY was made specifically to utilize the combination of buttons and touch... I suppose it could be emulated on iOS, but I get the feeling that it'll be pretty damn bad

yeah, I saw that earlier. Hopefully, he doesn't just mean that we're getting something like TWEWY figurines or some other random and non video game thing...

well... maybe. I actually saw this first on IGN, and one of the comments pointed to the twitter account of one of the translators of TWEWY, specifically a post that said this

I'm pretty sure I saw something on twitter suggesting that this isn't the only thing they'll be announcing... let's see if I can find it again...

You should play 2, then, if the time limit was the only thing that made you not enjoy the first one - there's no time limit in 2 what so ever (and as far as I can tell, there won't be a time limit in 3, either, or at least not a mandatory one)

Man. Steam has been acting up on me lately and I can't play TF2. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling it. Hell, I've even tried reinstalling steam... But that little "This game is currently unavailable" box just won't leave me alone... I just want to play my favorite hat simulator game, is that too much to ask?

Well, seeing as in the description on youtube it reads "made with sauce fum-caker"... clearly, source film-maker has a new competitor

Each Pokemon to understand

huh. The trailer makes it look like a blend of minecraft and an rts... and this is not a bad thing. Not a bad thing at all. Well, thanks Kotaku, you just added to my list of "oh, that game exists/will exist? Now I need to buy it" >.>

You know, I don't think that this theory is supposed to make Totoro out as a "bloodthirsty monster of death" - more like an omen of death, if anything (that said, as the creators have outright shot it down, I'd say that it's highly unlikely that it's actually true)

Bartimaus Trilogy and Abhorsen Trilogy in one comment? You may be my favorite commenter :D

Well, I've never seen that camera before, so that's one new item, at least

ya know... yeah, I can see that too. Dman it Tye, every time I'm about to go on to play other games, you remind me that I need to finish Emi's story >.>

yeah, I know. I was pointing out to Nerubian that the anime that Toonami is now showing definitely isn't appropriate for kids, since he seemed to be implying that it was :P

I was assuming that those actually had to do with the summer sale, but that is definitely a possibility...