
Uh... The anime they're showing on the new Toonami block definitely isn't appropriate for kids either, and while they're appropriate for teens, shows like bleach and fullmetal alchemist (those were/are both on adult swim, right?) also aren't really appropriate for kids either

I would say that a bigger problem with potentially including the second thumbstick is the strong possibility of alienating everyone that bought a 3DS before the revision came out. I personally have no interest in getting a circle pad pro, and would be very pissed if I was forced to buy one to play certain games on my

by "pencil-and-paper" do you mean stuff like D&D? (I suppose that could also fit under the custom-painted figurines, too... kinda...) if so, I'm kind of a Pathfinder junkie. Currently DMing my first campaign (made up of a bunch of newbies, too!), and in the span of about 2 weeks have created 4 new characters to play

Australia is getting a full box set...

Well, I love their song that's used as the opening in Moretsu Pirates. Though that's more because of Marty Friedman than the group itself...

eh. For some reason I feel like I've heard that it was one of the most pirated DS games out there, but I'm probably confusing it with something else

wasn't it pirated by an enormous number of people?

one? No, they've already confirmed that you can have 2. Just, none of the launch titles have that capability

I'll definitely agree with your second point - the fact that the Wii controllers can be used with the Wii U could definitely be confusing to people that don't pay attention to video games. And I admitted that the portables that I noted weren't consoles, but it still shows an attempt by Nintendo to continue a brand

"Every other console has had a new name"? Really? What about the NES to the SNES? Also, I know they're not consoles, but the Game Boy to the Game Boy Advance and the DS to the 3DS

Isn't the VN, like, some crazy length? Like, 40 hours long or something? I guess I'll just go read a summary... I assume watching the Fate/Stay Night anime isn't the best idea?

Honestly, I didn't have a problem with the story itself. The writing was just so... dry. :P

Well, if you like any games like Fire Emblem/Advanced Wars, (hell, even if you have no feelings on them either way) I would strongly suggest Ghost Recon. It's a really, really enjoyable (just... completely overlooked) game

Gah. I hate to say it, but I really hate some of the books on this list. I have never enjoyed the Great Gatsby, and I'm not sure why at all (I've tried reading it at least 4 or 5 times now - maybe once the movie comes out I'll give it another shot), and, as much as I love the Hobbit, I couldn't get interested in the

Didn't Shadow Dragon not sell very well here in the US? I would assume that's why (if that was the case).

Fire Emblem? You mean the port of the sequel to Shadow Dragon, which in and of itself is a port? I don't really think that a single game in a series not coming out here (yes, yes, I know, we didn't get any of the FE games before the first one for the Game Boy Advance, but ever since they have consistently put out the

I haven't watched Fate/Zero. As someone who knows next to nothing about Fate/Stay Night, is it worth watching?

Fair enough, in the context of when it came out, it certainly was impressive

This show... it disappointed me so, SO much. Mostly because, coming from Production IG it was a huge step down from what they had done in recent years. :P Though I gotta say, it was still better than Fafner

Yeah, the group that guy is in (I can never remember his name, but I know the group is called Abingdon Boys School) also does one of the openings to Darker than Black (Howling). And damn are they good