
I think it's less that it's a stock photo, and more that it's a stock photo used as a big reveal in the game (and, as some people are saying, basically just poorly photoshopped). They hyped the whole "what does Tali's face look like?" to hell, then just used a very poorly edited photo to show it.

Like Cheese Addict pointed out, once you get married, the girls all pretty much lose their personality (at least in all of the HM games I've played), so I wouldn't count that as much

I (and many others, I'm sure) would hesitate to call VNs "games" - they're called visual NOVELS for a reason.

it's been getting redubbed for quite a while now by Funimation, and it's actually being well done

right back at you :D

Fortunately not right here

no, I'm pretty sure you're right. I do remember hearing about one where all three of them got sued for their controllers...

hell yeah RIT! wooooo!

Did they actually lose that one? I thought they just settled it out of court...

hey, at least it's confirmed that we're actually getting it this time

I was about to post that too...

huh. *shrugs* I guess I just never noticed because it doesn't effect me very much - I haven't owned any gamecube games in forever, and I already have a wii. Ah well. Hopefully, the WiiU virtual console will have gamecube games on it.

"newer wiis"? Unless I missed some huge announcement, weren't the wii-only wiis Europe only, and even then not replacing wiis with backwards compatibility?

And yet, the game subtly shows that making deals with the devil is often a poor choice - when you make deals, no only do you lose hearts, the level generation also generates harder levels. Also, it doesn't hurt that Satan is the final boss of the game either

it's more like a taxi system than a slavery system - in the dialog, the four pulling the cart complain about wanting their pay, and the only reason they don't get it at the end of the chase is because they run off scared shitless because AJ forced them to run in front of an oncoming train :P

what martinthew said, but also remember that this was going to be on the eShop, which would make it a lot easier for kids to get their hands on it than if it was a physical copy of the game

I'm going to have to disagree with you here. It isn't made clear in the intro movie, but as the game goes on, it heavily implies that the mother is being tricked by the devil into killing her son. I'd say that it definitely attacks super conservative christians, but I would disagree that it attacks christianity as a

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posting pony videos? This is still one of my favorites. Along with She's a Pony and Ponyville Cantina

*brohoof* Always glad to see other bronies 'round the net