...And I quote "That's Jesus H. Christ telling his disciples to kill unbelievers (ie infidels). Maybe you're the one with problems, Jesus."
...And I quote "That's Jesus H. Christ telling his disciples to kill unbelievers (ie infidels). Maybe you're the one with problems, Jesus."
I'm pointing out that you're attempting to use the Bible as a valid way of quoting Jesus, which can't be done. You're entire argument is based around "Jesus said that we should kill people who don't believe in God." My point is that it's very likely that he never even said that in the first place, so you're argument…
I'd like to point out that not only are you taking this out of context in terms of the actual passage, but you're taking it out of context for the time period as well. The Bible is as much a historical text that helps give insight into the customs, laws, outlooks, traditions, etc. of people during the time periods it…
I'm gonna take a wild guess here and say that this whole post was attempt at being facetious, but since it's the internet it's difficult to tell
That's also a good point. I had forgotten about that.
I never said it was. I was pointing out that Japan isn't really as good of a country as many people seem to think it is. No country is perfect, and Japan sure as hell isn't an exception to that, even if some people seem to think otherwise
um, to be fair, part of the reason the crime rates are so low is because people rarely get taken to court unless it's definite that the prosecuting party will win. Also, Japan has one of the highest suicide rates in the world
HOORAH! #shortcommentisshort
She's able to shapeshift, but can't change genders. They've gone over it a little in the show
And Teen Titans is loosely based on the comic that this series is based on. So there you go.
Actually, teen titans was loosely based on the comic series that this show is based on. So it's more like teen titans is based on THIS (though YJ the show has since broken off from YJ the comic, so I suppose it's more like they both are based on the same thing)
if you do, I highly recommend Little King's Story and Red Steel 2. Both of those are damn good games that always get overlooked
I'm sorry, but are you saying that going to church and being able to think for yourself (or even being liberal) are two mutually exclusive things? Because if so, I take offense to that. Though I do agree that anything that pisses off bible thumpers is awesome in my book
While people are over reacting way, WAY too much to this, and being extremely hateful to boot, if she isn't interested in going through the non story parts of a game... Then why not just read a book or watch a movie instead? It honestly doesn't make sense to me. Besides that, yeah, she's completely entitled to her…
actually, it sounds like she's supposed to be an AD carry. Which I'm quite happy about, because all we've gotten lately is AP and tanks :P
$4, but mostly because I also donated $5 to the bronybundle collaboration (and because I'm a broke college student). So I guess technically $9?
So, since Notch is working on this bundle (and therefore probably won't be contributing to it), who's going to spur the bronybundle contributors into giving shit loads of money this time?
Just to point out, Miyamoto hasn't had direct control over the series for a very long time. Give credit where it's due - to Eiji Aonuma :D Besides that, I agree
I don't. I'm a college student XD Anyway, he was asking for it. He was playing Japan, and I had played with him before when he played as Japan, so I knew just how aggressive he would get. I simply decided to preemptively wipe him out
I've actually gotten an AI to go after my friend I was playing against. At the same time, I had him convinced that I would help him if he got attacked. I just stood back and watched the fireworks, then, once he was almost dead, I came in (pretending to help him) and took over his last city XD