
wow... that seems... incredibly harsh. Everyone makes mistakes. it's part of being human. So is forgiving the bad things that people have done. It was terrible thing that she did. But does that really make her a bad person? especially after she owned up to it? I personally don't believe so.

so... my two cents on the whole thing.

how do you know that she "called him out of the blue"? I've looked through this article several times, and didn't see anything indicating that something like that was true...

yeah, I lost count of the number of times I've seen people saying this, and the number of times I've pointed out the flaws in their logic. They don't listen, so I just stopped trying to explain :P

yeah, I lost count of the number of times I've seen people saying this, and the number of times I've pointed out the flaws in their logic. They don't listen, so I just stopped trying to explain :P

yeah, I lost count of the number of times I've seen people saying this, and the number of times I've pointed out the flaws in their logic. They don't listen, so I just stopped trying to explain :P

I'm pretty sure that Monster Hunter just came out in Japan a few days ago

on the other hand, though, we're talking about an entire SYSTEM here, something that costs over $150, not a controller than can be replaced for $40 (or maybe not even replaced, if you don't have 4 controllers)

but he ISN'T planning on retiring - he's planning on stepping down from his current position, so he can be more hands on again, and so he can train new devs. He said this in his original quote, so I'm not sure how people were taking it as "he's retiring." I would say it's just poor translating :P

that's not a game. It's a movie.

As DarkPGR said, long time for price drop. I'd say just buy it used once that price goes down

I'm right there with you, dude :P

it was made specifically for Pokemon 2000, so yeah, but at the same time...

so... what's with this assumption that Nintendo DIDN'T have plans to do this all along? Unless I missed something, the only thing they ever said was that they couldn't say anything about if this was coming out in America...

no, you must be confused. War never changes.

#2, bad choice of color for McIlroy's shirt, I'd say. First time I saw that picture I thought the red stuff was blood :P

God damn it. Now I'M going to start reading 90% of all things in Zoidberg's voice too XP

there's a difference here, though. You were doing that in a single player (or co-op, at most) game. It doesn't give you an unfair advantage over other humans, just over the game. In the case of exploits and glitches in games like MW3, your using them to beat other actual people, people who may be better than you.

that's only because you chased them out so you could

and thus why classic mode is still available for free on the website, so that people can get a feeling of the game