My period has improved, that's for sure. Have you experienced any mood swings at all?
My period has improved, that's for sure. Have you experienced any mood swings at all?
My periods were the same—horribly heavy for long stretches of time. I just am not so wonderful at remembering to take my pills. I'll definitely look into the copper IUD and see a dermatologist. I definitely need a professional at this point.
Oh no! That is the absolute pits!
Jamie Dornan, the new Christian Grey. He is one hunky man!
Are you stressed out at all? Being stressed makes mine so much worse. For example, I had three huge deadlines, an incompetent printer, a few idiot interactions, and my first PTO event this week. My face looked like a war zone all week. Today, I cleaned and relaxed and it looks a bit better.
I can't get this guy out of my head, though I'll never see the movie that catapulted him there in the first place:
HI! I'm finally out and writing. It helps that all three kids are in bed and my husband is working. This sort of freedom doesn't come often. Let's par-tay!
YOU ARE SO LUCKY! Did you have your period at all in the beginning? I was breastfeeding, so I only got it for the first time about 6 months in. The first one was god-awful and the next one, two months later, was less awful. I've only spotted once since then. If I don't get my period, I might just keep it.
Thanks! I've gone all-natural with my skin care but it hasn't helped. I eat fairly well (HALLOWEEN DOESN'T COUNT) and drink tons of water. (Okay, that's obviously hyperbole, but I don't drink anything but water, coffee, and the rare, special occasion soda or wine. I am seriously the most boring.)
It's a conspiracy to keep us acned!
I was thinking of just doing the non-hormonal one. I love, love, love not taking a pill. And not taking a pill. And not thinking about it ever, really. However, mode swings stink. So does the acne.
I only just got health insurance again, so the dermatologist is there but on the back burner. Though I do have a mole issue that I'm seeing my PCP for soon, so maybe I can kill two birds with one stone and see the dermatologist for both.
It's been a blast! I plan to return often!
Hey, no problem. I read my comment about five times just to check and you can totally read it the way you did. I get it.
It's absolutely lovely. If anyone gives you hell, it will make a nice mark on their eye socket when you punch them. J/K. Wear it proud and usher in a less conservative era at your workplace!
Okay, so I posted my big CONGRATS to Burt (WHO ROCKED TODAY—SATURDAY IS FUN AGAIN). But now I have questions!
The "smart" was in reference to the free trip to WDW. I'm not Disney crazy, but I seriously enjoy WDW and had a fantastic experience, which I did state—multiple times down this thread.
Look at this cuddly wombat love!
OH MY GOD. THAT OS THE SINGLE MOST ADORABLE THING EVER. I'm going to spend the rest of my night watching wombat videos. Also, it's so tiny!!!!!!