
Yes! If my non-profit had this opportunity and it was snatched away, I would be devastated AND embarrassed because I sure as hell would have told my boss and co-workers and BOD and would have had the whole organization watching to see this awesome moment.

I have an idea! Let's join/start a pro-choice running group and run for PP. At all the runs these people go to. What do you think? Anybody?

See, my husband was a runner and I was not (BIG ASS BOOBS, folks, are the enemy of running), but I'm really dedicated to running my first 5K in the spring and he's all super-dooper Mr. Frowny Pants. It just makes me want to do it more!


I'm a weeper in general, so lots of songs make me cry. However, the album Watertown by Frank Sinatra makes me sob and sob and sob, kinda like what the movie My Life does to me. It also has the double whammy of being the album my Grandmom introduced me to and would listen to with me as we drove to the college where she

WWLVS? (What Would Lady Violet Say?)

I know that I've heard almost every inconsequential female singer's opinion of Miley Cyrus, but are we forgetting anyone? Have we asked Haley Williams from Paramore yet?

I was in a fairly upscale Philly suburb and the same thing happened all the time. People are rude.

I have no idea to what you are referring. There is no proof whatsoever that the situation you described ever took place or that it is the reason I was a Christmas angel.

Fellow Borders alum here. One Black Friday, I had a woman call me a snot because I was helping another customer. She walked up to me in the cooking aisle WHILE I WAS SPEAKING to the other customer and called out the name of a rather unknown cookbook. No "Please help me find..." or "Do you have..." After I politely

I think we may have just stumbled upon our new business venture. Goodbye, grant writing! Hello, t-shirt empire!

You need to come shoe shopping with me. All future trips, btw!

I would like your collected works.

This video blew my mind. I had always assumed that more expensive shoes were much more comfortable, but between this video and a slew of young Hollywood starlets bemoaning the high heel, I know I'm not alone in thinking heels are from hell.

Now playing

This woman gives away all the secrets! (Basically, pad the crap out of them!):

nope nope nope nope nope

I feel like poor Fauna never gets any love. I volunteer to be Fauna! I'll walk behind the three of you and chide you all. :)

A close friend of mine lost her baby at 35 weeks last week. I cried so hard and then hugged my three babies so tightly.

When I feel down, I read Daring Greatly by Brene Brown. It gives me a kick in the pants to open up and live wholeheartedly. I give it to all my friends who are going through a tough time.