Both things suck
Both things suck
I apologize for ruining your name
How long before he starts pitching Alex Jones brand male virility supplements?
you have worms in your brain
Every gun is loaded.
Clearly this moron never learned the single most important rule of firearms - treat every gun as if it is loaded until you personally double / triple check.
A Ja-fakin’ named Chet. *Sigh. Sounds about white.
I believe I was around 15 years old but I had just gotten a PS2 with Metal Gear Solid 2 from Gamestop. Now the problem was I did not have an memory card so anything I did in MGS didnt matter. Well I ended up beating MGS2 in one sitting, playing from 7-8am in the morning after my dad left to work and finishing up…
Appearance of impropriety is irrelevant if there’s no proven impropriety
Outer Worlds is great, fantastic even, but not very long, you’ll be wrapped up on your first run in no time.
god dang it, i meant to do this :-(
Hey, if you could test out the Series 2 bluetooth functionality with your iOS device, that would be really awesome. I haven’t seen any reviews mention it, but as of right now it doesn’t seem to work for anyone. Could be a selling point for some
As a storyteller, to say that you’ve “had” to save your black woman for a story is a bit weird, because you’re the writers, and you write the story, and there is nothing you have or don’t have to do. You could have altered the story (most of the story isn’t even in the game proper). You could have changed the…
Press F to Deadspin Forever.
I really hope you all survive Spanfeller’s delicate, easily-bruised ego, but if you’re already eyeing the exits, I don’t blame you.
Wherever you lot end up, I’ll definitely be rooting for you.
In the interim, I’m here until the lights go out.
I fully expect that this will be the last WAYPTW post, because the herbs are gonna herb. I hope that it isn’t though. I’ve been posting these missives for almost two years straight, and I would like to continue. Kotaku has always been my gateway to the other sites, the one that I bookmarked. I started reading Gawker… controller: Activating self-destruct sequence!
And as if we don’t need reminding; unarmed black people are routinely murdered by police while white mass murders armed to the teeth fresh off their kills are able to be “taken into custody without incident”.
Also, there is a strange man outside your window shining a flashlight in while telling you to put your hands up...most people at 2 in the morning would assume that person is there with ill intent so her having a gun handy is perfectly reasonable.
Really glad he said this. I know some people that listen to him who probably need to hear it.