
Regardless if it’s quick play or ranked, the shallowness of the variety of gametypes becomes very apparent. I played 8 ranked matches with two friends last night; 5 of the matches were Oddball with 4 of those matches coming back-to-back. Like most things in life, Oddball is fine in moderation. We called it quits

The only issue I ran into on PC was tearing on the hands and weapons when I had Raytracing Quality enabled. When I turned that off, the image was fine. I do have a high spec’d rig (3900X, 32GB Ram, 3080 Ti, game installed on M.2 drive). I haven’t played too far into the game so it’s possible I may run into a section


MS has a marketing campaign pushing 6 big games over the next 6 months so trying to space those releases out so they get enough exposure on Game Pass makes more sense that worrying about Call of Duty dropping in late October/November.

I’m currently waiting to hear the PC impressions. I'm still getting through Returnal now, but I'm itching to tell people about my favorite shop on the Citadel.

This is exactly what happened to me. I made it to the third biome and got to the objective point before the boss fight. I had a clear 30 mins before I had to start work this morning when I received a message saying the game downloaded an update and was restarted. I was crushed and just turned the system off. 

I experienced this problem when I wanted to try and finish my save for Kingdom Hearts 1.5. I had about 10 hours put into the game on PS4 and I just figured I could download the game to my PS5 and it would find my save because I thought it was in the cloud. That was not the case. I had to dig through the PS4 settings,

Talk about setting an incredibly horrible precedent by allowing this appeal. How many other people/cops will “unknowingly” enter the wrong home and kill someone and lean on this defense? It’s absolutely ridiculous. Also, wasn’t the evidence skewed in her favor considering how they gathered the evidence?

Unless they’re just working on a full sequel, I don’t see why they’re pouring the resources they are into this game. Outside of the flying mechanics, what was worth going in and overhauling to revive this game? I can’t imagine what the 30 people still working on this game feel.

This is the first COD in a while that I’ve played well past launch and actually look forward to play. There were several years there where the series was dead to me. When they added exo-suits and wallrunning and hero abilities, it felt like I was playing inferior versions of games I enjoyed more. This has a more

I got lucky that I had about 250 OWL Tokens when the skin was announced, but I’m pretty sure this has hurt early viewership. That sounds hyperbolic, but knowing you’re earning some kind of a reward for watching a game you like is a solid incentive especially when they release exclusive skins like Brig’s. I know I

I read this and the “Sure Jan” gif plays in my head. I have no ill will towards the developers. They’re working as hard as they can to make this thing work. I’m sure dealing with all of the bugs and negativity is soul-crushing. My issue is with EA and the higher ups at BioWare. BioWare management didn’t read the

Now playing

The first game that came to mind was Red Dead Redemption 1. The sequel didn’t really resonate with me (which is one reason why I haven’t finished the campaign), but the first game I had zero expectations for. I bought it on a whim and knew nothing about it going in and it was one of my favorite gaming experiences

This sounds exactly what I need to get back into this game. I got sucked in a for a solid 6 hours when it first came out, but got to a point where I didn't want to keep progressing because I didn't want to start over. 

I made my prediction this morning after seeing Sandler and Murphy were snubbed. We’re definitely getting a “Jack and Jill meets The Klumps in 3D.”

My best memory of the original PlayStation had to be the day I got Tony Hawk Pro Skater. I had the PS for awhile, but only had Gran Turismo and Driver. They were fun, but didn’t really capture my attention. Then THPS came out and it just knocked my socks off. The great soundtrack, the big levels with plenty of secrets

It’s the start of my Thanksgiving vacation so I’m going to play all the things that I’ve been putting off namely The Outer Worlds, Death Stranding and Audica. I also have a few books I need to finish reading as well. 

Good for the developers on staying at the grindstone and continuing to shape the lump of shit they were left with. I hope whatever they do come up with pleases the fans that have stuck with the game and maybe even win over new fans.

I was in the drive-thru on the Sunday the sandwich was set to come back. There were only a few cars ahead of me and it was about 15 minutes until they were supposed to open. After about 20-30 minutes, the line starts moving, but it’s going suspiciously too quick. I get to the menu to order only to be informed they

I’d like to submit Skate (any of main entries). That’s usually how I wind down in the evening. Because the game is essentially one giant free skate with a solid soundtrack, you can just zone out and nail some sweet tricks.