
Thanks for the tips! I’m going to start playing tomorrow, but I’m pretty sure I won’t make much headway until my vacation over Thanksgiving week. I'm hoping to knock out The Outer Worlds by then so I can just focus on this.

It was because of Jalopnik that I have the Flex a chance. I was in an accident earlier this year and while my SUV (‘05 Explorer) was running and driving just fine, the cost of the damage was several times the worth of the car and I knew it was time to move on.

I think it’s a Capricorn thing. As a child, I hated putting costumes on even if I was dressing up like a characterI loved. I just knew it was like 30 minutes of fun before I got too hot and the cheap mask would make my lips sweat. I don't think I've donned a costume for nearly 25 years.

The important thing here is the music works just as well for a gang of bumbling villains and their goofy leader as it does for Mujoe in Bomberman Jetters.

The gun thing is what truly grinds my gears. As a Texan, I assume everyone has a weapon in their home. Mentioning there was a gun felt like they're trying to smear this woman’s character and justify the officer’s actions. At this point, FWPD needs to fire him and he should be charged with murder. know, the Avengers then EMBRACE THEIR EMOTIONS TO BEAT THANOS. It’s just a 3 hour movie of not isolating your emotions but learning to face them. It was Thor’s entire story line. But whatever, like whoever you wanna like.

I got NBA2K17 as part of a Humble Monthly package. I installed it and played only for a few hours before uninstalling the game because I became so frustrated with how much it was pushing VC. I just wanted to do the Career mode and between games or practices, I’d get hit with a promo to buy VC. The fact that it’s tied

I have Gears 5 installed and ready to go. I missed playing on Thursday as I decided to go see IT Chapter 2 (if interested; I thought it was ok, just too long) which seems to have been the smart choice considering the number of issues that have cropped up since it went live.

Agreed. Whenever “Rinzler” or “Son of Flynn” comes on, I enter a trance and the next few minutes of driving fly by. I usually try to listen to the soundtrack when I’m on long road trips.

Anything to move away from crates is an improvement for me. I have about 100 crates stored up because I stopped buying keys. The drop rates are ridiculous and I was tired of getting duplicates. I would like to know how they’ll handle that situation because I know I’m not the only one sitting on a cache of crates.

Wife was working on my desktop and she just sat down with a large glass of ice tea. She set the glass on the desk in front of the keyboard, turned to pick something up off the floor, and upon turning back to the keyboard, she knocked the whole glass on my Razer Blackwidow mechanical keyboard. It was absolutely soaked

I agree 100% with your final sentiment. All in one soaps/shampoos suck. I understand the appeal, but the results are dramatically inferior compared to spending the extra few minutes in the shower to use the separate products. Just treat yourself better.

After hearing that there wasn’t going to be party support at launch, I didn’t even bother downloading the multiplayer. I was only really interested in the single player and for the most part, it delivered what I expected. I churned through all of the missions in about 15-20 hours and was done with it. Really glad it

This looks like it’s straight out of Seinfeld. Like George eating the ice cream at the tennis match, but this time he spilled his sundae after getting hit from a wild shot and on the next serve, he gets smashed in the groin.

Kinda surprised you didn’t loop in the controversy surrounding Sonic Fox for a clip that he put out that showed him playing as Geras performing a fatality on Sonya and when Geras chops her neck, Fox yelled out “TERF”. The clip then circulated and ended up being discussed in UK parliament about online abuse.

As someone who’s been interested in VR but hasn’t made the jump into any ecosystem yet, I’m a bit underwhelmed with this offering. I’m more interested in the Oculus Rift S since they’ve been able to refine their design and eliminate the external sensors at a lower price. I'm still going to wait it out for the

This is a better statement, but I still find it odd that they keep pointing to the fact that the original piece named specific developers as being a sticking point for them. I don’t know how that article gets written without naming devs that weren’t the sources Jason spoke to.

The game that emerged from a six-and-a-half-year development cycle was the result of a number of difficult, complicated factors, ones that won’t be quite as easy to fix as Anthem’s loot drop rates or loading screens.

I still don’t buy the commitment level. They also heavily invested in Google Fiber and that didn’t last 10 years. You know who also has a development studio? Amazon. They bought Double Helix Games in 2014 and they’ve done a whole lot of nothing so far.

I know I’m being heavily cynical towards Google, but they haven’t

I live in a city and have good internet speed (download speeds at least), but I have a data cap. I can pay an extra fee to eliminate that cap, but I don’t want to further reward my ISP for being shitty. Also, Google’s track record with these sorts of things is pretty bad like Google Fiber and Project Ara. They’re