
I have the game on Xbox One and I get kicked out of the game and back to the dashboard when I try to select an item in their “News” section. It happens every single time. This is such a poor launch that EA should take it upon themselves and offer refunds for all users that want one. I do not want to play this game in

I’m just a few hours into the game and I just can’t find the will to keep playing. The shooting feedback is horrible; there’s little satisfaction in shooting any of the enemies; which makes sense. BioWare isn’t known for great shooting mechanics. This doesn’t really feel like a game they would’ve made of their own

The Susan Smith story and, more recently, that white man from Colorado that said his wife and kids just up and disappeared and then it turned out he murdered all of them were the first stories I thought of after Jussie was charged with filing a false police report.

That’s a nice looking figure, but unfortunately, my money has already been spent on Hot Toys’ 1/6th scale Deathstroke figure. I don’t think I can justify two big action figure purchases.

Ori and the Blind Forest on Hard. It wasn’t the hardest possible difficulty, but it was harder than Normal. The game ground me into dust on several occasions and I took long breaks in-between playthroughs, but by the end of it, I loved the game even more. Ori and Celeste both had the right balance of precise controls

I’m in the same boat. I built my PC over 2 years ago and while I have a full library and an active Humble Monthly subscription, I rarely find myself playing games on my PC. I tend to re-play games I’ve already played on console like the Arkham games or the new Tomb Raider series.

I’m playing Katamari Damacy Reroll and Below. I really can’t think of two games with such polar opposite tones.

I moved to Michigan a couple years ago after living my whole life in Texas. The blend door went out, so switching from cold to heat requires me to go through the glove box and manually flip the switch. Then the plastic arm that controls if the air blows directly into the cabin or up towards the windshield broke

For me, Destiny 2 didn’t grasp the attention of my normal group of friends like the original did. It also didn’t help that we were basically reliving Destiny 1 over again (solid initial launch, but lacking enough end game activities, lackluster first expansion, improved second expansion, wave of small improvements,

My wife was washing dishes and I told her, “Oh crap, they’re bringing the original Katamari to Switch.” She immediately stopped and told me I have to get her her own Switch because she’s not going to be splitting time with me. 

Spider-Man and Tekken 7 at like a 80/20 split. I took today off to play Spider-Man and testing out the new changes that dropped for Season 2 of Tekken 7. It’s also really nice to get Lei Wulong back.

For me it was the Batmobile from the two Tim Burton films. I was born the year the movie came out and literally grew up with it. The other Batmobiles were fine, but something about that Burton Batmobile always stuck with me. One reason I love my wife’s car, 2011 Camaro SS, is that it has similar body lines as that

While hearing news on a new fleet of GPUs is nice, this news hits me flat after building my rig recently. “6 TIMES THE PERFORMANCE” doesn’t mean anything to me and when the tech YouTubers get a hold of the cards, I’m sure my suspicions will be confirmed that it’s a solid bump from last gen, but if you have a 10 series

As a power lifter, the kid’s form is pretty shit. He’s locking his knees way too soon and lifting too much with his back. That being said, I wouldn’t cause a scene like this if I was in the same gym. I would offer advise mainly to lower the weight and focus on form. Once he gets his form down, lifting heavier weights

I’m kind of in a similar boat, but mainly because I underestimated the heat output of my processor. I have an i7 6800K which is an older 6 core/12 thread CPU. I bought the Corsair H80i v2 (a 120mm AIO that’s in a push/pull config) when I originally built my system. I have a modest overclock of about 17% (Base clock is

Can’t say that I know many of the top Smash players, but I became a CaptainZack fan. On top of his high level skill, he has a very unique personality and stage presence and I’m all for it.

As much as I want Mo’Nique to get what’s truly owed to her and is offered what she’s really worth, but this doesn’t seem like the hill to die on. Roseann still has Roseanne money and is still white. She’ll find her way to be the new hit show on CMT.

Awesome, thank you. My hardware is pretty recent (i7 6800K, 32GB of RAM, GTX 1080)so I knew it had to be something in the software.

Just a basic question, but has anyone experienced any hitching in the game since the NEXT update dropped? I tried starting a new game, but as soon as it loads my character on a planet, it just hitches every 15-20 seconds. In my original save, it runs just fine. My rig is more than up to task, but it seems, to me at

Surely that means that now I’ll be able to beat The Radiance with no trouble, right?