
I understand the want to go to an all streaming future, but until the infrastructure in the US is completely reworked, as well as reissuing net neutrality protections, I don’t see it happening for a long time. I actually have decent internet in my area, but I’m data capped unless I pay an additional fee on top of

I do have a decent PC and I believe PUBG is currently on sale in Steam. I keep eyeing it and inching closer to buying it, but just haven’t gone through with it.

The only reason I have PUBG is because I bought an Xbox One S for my wife and picked up the PUBG bundle. I had friends wanting me to join, but it never really appealed to me so the bundle was a way for me to try the game without directly buying the game and regretting the $30 purchase.

Now that I’ve played the game,

It shows that I spent under $300 which is extremely low considering the number of games I have, but most of them are from Humble Bundle and not directly through Steam.

Also, the giant rubber plates are hilarious. I knew many people that would load their bar up with them instead of the thinner metal plates, to make it look like they’re lifting more.

As a former competitive powerlifter, this made me cringe so hard. Really, he’s in trouble the moment he lifts the weight off the rack. His spotter should have their arms out in front Don, kinda like an extremely close trust-fall. If I’d performed a squat like that in practice or in competition, I’d be told to do it

And I think that’s the main key. As long as creators are aware of how something can be perceived, they can work on making minor changes and still retain the overall spirit of their character.

That’s definitely an interesting question. Fortnite, PUBG, and Black Ops 4 would represent the low, medium, and high bars of entry in the battle royale space. To even try out Black Ops 4's battle royale mode, you have to spend $60 for the base game and at least $100 if you buy the game with the pass. Call of Duty

I think the most sinister part was telling fans to wait until the very end and still not show off anything. When the sizzle reel started playing, I figured something was right around the corner that would actually impress fans, but nada. Definitely a disappointing showing.

I’m a soggy cereal eater. I love to wait an extra 5 minutes or so after making a bowl of cereal to allow it to soak up the milk. My favorite cereal to do this with is raisin bran. My wife thinks it looks like snot and I respectfully disagree.

I actually really liked Sunset Overdrive, but after about 20+hours, it lost it’s charmed and I didn’t feel like digging to find the collectibles or do the side missions. Quantum Break was...fine. It took me like two years to beat it. It was an interesting experiment with the live action episodes melding with the game,

Demon Souls/Dark Souls/Bloodborne. I personally don’t understand the love for these games. I find just about everything about the series unappealing. I’ve gotten Dark Souls 2 and 3 through Humble Monthly and played a few hours of each and never went back.

Bonus Entry: Assassin’s Creed, but specifically after AC2. I

For the US version of The Office, I usually recommend “Stress Relief”. It’s a double-parter, but covers some of the best aspects of the show.

I definitely play more in docked mode than anything. I like that I can take the device to bed and play, but 95% of the time, I have it docked.

Clearly the kid hasn’t learned anything while being in school. He absolutely has the right to wear that dumbass sweater, BUT the school has the right to suspend or even expel him. They’re not infringing on his 1st amendment rights because they’re not the government. Also, from the Cornell School of Law, “The Supreme

This put this biggest smile on my face when she started hyperventilating when that realization hit her that all her white privilege came up short today.

Totilo cemented his dad-hood with that “4tnite” joke.

I had the same impulsive thought when I saw Cliff post the art for DogWalkers, but I know that market pressure as well as tech development cost a ton of money; especially when the game is VR based (thus making the profits even thinner). I hope someone can take the core idea behind DogWalkers and make it reality.

I really want this too MAINLY because I got Destiny 2 from Humble Monthly, but I also don’t want to work through the campaign again and rebuild my character. I kinda wished more games had a “Micrososft Play Anywhere” style where no matter if I play on my Xbox or my PC, my progress is furthered continuously. This would

Same. Back when Skyrim was a new game, my AMD card would cause all kinds of fracturing of the screen and then eventually get a brown screen and the game would lock up. I waited a few months to see if any new drivers for the card or updates to the game were made to address it and nothing. I switched to an Nvidia card