
“Nonono, they aren’t loot boxes. Those are evil and absolutely not fun! We’ve seen the light and we are instead adding in something new and clearly not a loot box! They are simply Lots Of Optional Tools Based On eXtortion Everyone Sees! We are calling them L.O.O.T.B.O.X.E.S.! Clearly completely different!”

It’s more aerodynamic and also perfect for lazy animators who only need to draw blurry moving legs.

of course they would do this the season with the worst animation quality....

This would be a lot more convincing if he didn’t have an iron fucking cross on his collar come on man

I … I don’t understand...
- dude makes anti-Semitic jokes
- dude gets shit for it, rightfully
- dude says he’s going to donate to ADL as a way to take responsibility
- some idiots on the internet don’t like this
- he decides not to donate to them, as a way to... take responsibility??

I feel like I’m missing a piece of logic

So the next time this dude claims sincerity, we’re just supposed to buy it wholesale, right?

Real courage of your convictions there, Pewds.

Ultra low mileage, been in storage for 14 years. 

I know what I have no low ballers or tire kickers

Ran when parked.

Thats some sweet Kotaku fish action right there.

The death of anybody is obviously a tragedy, but the fact that Kyoto Animation was the rare studio that aggressively hires women, pays well, and promotes them to leadership positions means the deaths of 34 members of it’s elite Studio One team is losing some of the top up and coming future female anime directors, lead

Remember ten years ago when people were absolutely enraged that a game might have an “always online” requirement?

Clearly VR is dead. That’s why the userbase is expanding and new devices are being launched.


First thing I thought of when I saw Brigitte’s new skin was a System of a Down line: “Battalions of riot police with rubber bullet kisses / Baton courtesy, service with a smile”.

How does anyone listen to this wee little chudlet and think he’s an authority on anything?

Cue up Eddie Murphy’s “This is my house! And if you don’t like it, get the fuck out!” 😂

What elevates it in my head is that she’s holding a plastic champagne glass in the other hand while casually tossing the fallen pizza away with the other. I was expecting a huge “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM” moment from her based on the glass. 

Best part (48 seconds in) is that his pizza and paper plate land upright in the lady’s lap in front of him. She brusquely brushes it away with a delicious callousness.  Like a boss.  

Yeah, I’d definitely rather focus on the fact that she shared, like, a thing implying that grieving parents’ pain was false then the fact that she’s not the best voice actor.