
My two biggest hassles have been the lobby disconnects while I’m playing the story mode and finding ranked matches. I’ve had an OK time finding casual matches, but for whatever reason, I can’t get into a ranked match without either the other player cancelling and the getting kicked from the lobby. Also, the player

Triple Play 2000 with Sammy Sosa on the cover.

I had no idea that was a program EVGA had. I bought my 1080 in August 2016, so the 1080 Ti would’ve released outside of the program’s window, but knowing it’s a thing may sway my purchase the next time I’m looking to upgrade.

For me, it’s one of two things. 1) I get a bunch of invites to play another game with my friends 2) I convince myself that the game is too dense for me to play during the week and save it for the weekend when it gets ignored further.

Like recently, I got Dawn of War III from Humble Monthly and I’ve always wanted to try

It’s typically a mix of podcasts and a playlist of familiar songs, mostly rock and metal. I usually go through my podcasts first and then my playlist fills in the rest of the day.

Going to play some Super Mario Odyssey and then check out the Dragon Ball FighterZ beta on Sunday.

Really the saddest thing about this is “...comes in the wake of a rocky few months for Destiny 2...”. Destiny 2 came out in September. So really, it’s been rocky since launch. There was a honeymoon period where fans were just excited to take in all the new stuff, but that shine immediately came off (at least for

Your takeaway is great. As someone that has built a few PCs in my short life, diagnosing issues can be a bit daunting and frustrating, especially when there isn’t a clear answer to why something isn’t working.

On my current rig, for months, I dealt with an issue where I would lose access to my USB 2.0 and 3.0 ports

I just picked up Super Mario Odyssey and I’m enjoying it quite a bit. There are some things that are a bit wonky, but this is my first Mario game since Mario Sunshine so it could just be me expecting something else. I’ll also be diving into Civ 6 (thanks Humble Monthly!).

No, the cooler is a bit overkill, but it is fine I have the Corsair H80i Extreme which has a radiator half of yours and haven’t had any issues. Hell, AIO coolers like those are tame next to the creating a custom water loop where you’re having to pour water into a reservoir and cycle it through the loop and do leak

Definitely got lucky as the bulk of a normal build is sunk in the CPU, MOBO, and GPU. When I built my system in 2016, I spent nearly $1500 on those components alone. Then it was another $700 for the case, RAM, AIO cooler, power supply and SSD. From a component stand-point, your system will shred any 1080p game. Hell,

Maaaan, the combination of my birthday and the imminent release of Dragonball FirghterZ is REALLY making it hard to not want to pick this up as well. Guess I’ll have to really hope my Christmas presents impress the wife for her to be on board.

Really that last sentence sums up my feelings on the Xbox. I’ve been with the console since the original black box and admittedly it’s been a rough year to be a fan of the system. If the majority of my friends didn’t have the console, I don’t know if there would be a reason for me to own one.

I was hesitant to get a Switch, but as the year rolled by and I read and heard so many great things from owners of the device as well as sinking many hours into the emulated version of Breath of the Wild, I finally decided to give Nintendo a shot. Though there are many quirks about the device that I still trip over

I moved from Texas a year ago and I got to go see my family over Thanksgiving this year. After 17 hours of driving and seeing my mom, my first meal back was a triple meat, triple cheese burger with jalapenos and fries Whatasized (extra large). I ate every crumb and immediately felt back at home. Like many things in

Definitely excited for this. I skipped an entire week from school and played Devil May Cry 3 when it came out. So it holds a special place in my heart.

I’m in the same boat. I thought Destiny 2 was going to be the same time sink as the first was, but here I am playing the Frozen Wilds expansion for Horizon and just continuing to inch my way through Breath of the Wild and I don’t miss playing Destiny.

I didn’t even realize that the first expansion drops next week. That’s how far removed from this game I’ve become over the past month or so. While they had a solid launch and the first few weeks for good, they slipped back into their old habits and the new events, like Faction Rallies, just didn’t carry enough weight

Before the last update, I was running it at 1440p at 45 fps 85% of the time. It would chug when I entered into a new area, but usually after a minute it would jump back up to 45 fps. The last update I installed had the game running at 10 fps. I’m sure they’ve released an update by now so I think its a worth the time

I can’t exactly pinpoint where I lost my love for Destiny 2, but I know we’re definitely separated. I bought the $100 digital edition to get the future expansions and I got my titan to like 303 or 304 before even completing the raid. I was on my regular schedule of doing activities and the Nightfall; putting in