Definitely. I think if you can create some separation from a single game, you’re doing things right. Better to end on high note with a game as opposed to playing a game until you hate it.
Definitely. I think if you can create some separation from a single game, you’re doing things right. Better to end on high note with a game as opposed to playing a game until you hate it.
So I’m a good 5 1/2 hours in (logged in at midnight and grinded with my fireteam before going to work) and have enjoyed every moment so far. Two of the biggest additions are the fast travel option and the public event notification in the map. My goodness, both of those things will probably shave HOURS off of my…
I will say, while I was on my PC, I saw in the Windows Store that the Definitive Edition was out and decided to update my original copy. I played for like 3 hours and happy a good time. There are weird difficulty spikes at times, but the combat feels solid. I think when this game came out, it got lost in the wash…
Damn, I got lucky. I was looking at picking up a Link a week ago at $50, but these seems like a no-brainer now.
Damn, I got lucky. I was looking at picking up a Link a week ago at $50, but these seems like a no-brainer now.
I tried playing again recently, but I feel my current character feels out of sorts with the new updated world. Would I be better off just starting a new save? Granted, my original save is only about 30 hours.
I’m very much in the same boat. I built a beefy rig last year and have only had a few opportunities to put it through it’s paces as some of the games I’ve bought are influenced by whom I’ll be playing with. I have a few of my console friends that also have PCs, but their rigs are a bit longer in the tooth than mine.…
My dad LOVED Eddie Najera. He was always commenting how he’d sprint up and down the court and do all the gritty work. As for me, I always liked Rusty Greer. He wasn’t bad, but he wasn’t a great player either. He was solid enough that had a promising career cut short due to injury. He was like the David Duvall of…
As a Mavs fan, I hate the idea that we couldn’t secure a long term deal with this young man. But as an advocate for players getting what they’re worth, I hope he can turn this season into a huge pay day even if it means leaving for greener pastures.
My goodness this looks amazing. And I’m guessing they hinted at the campaign in the game at the end of the trailer. Looks like I have a game to justify buying a new fight stick.
I sat on the fence for awhile debating if I should upgrade my original Xbox One to the X, but I think I’m going to hold off. I’m waiting mainly because the exclusive games I’m interested in will be available on PC and I haven’t invested in a 4K HDR TV so I feel I’ll be under-utilizing many of the available features.
Very sad to read this, but glad you still have personable love for you mom outside of her ideological preferences. My mom almost stepped into with me recently. She is not a Trump supporter, but she made a comment about my late father would have supported him. I had to immediately cut her off because my dad would delve…
It has to be homer. Taking consideration people can swing until tired, you can get the timing needed to jack one. Plus, you can go to a ballpark that is more favorable to hitters while a basketball hoop will always be 10 feet in the air. Getting the average person to jump roughly two feet in the air, which is about…
Surprised to only see Dallas on here twice. I don’t know how to feel about this season. They’re in a standstill on re-signing Nerlens Noel. Considering how we’ve flubbed keeping strong centers around, they need to get a deal done with this young man. Sure he’s had some injury problems, but his upside is tremendous if…
I think one that deserves to be up there is from the incident at Sephora where a white employee was accused of profiling two women. When the customers confronted her, her response was “You guys might not know this, but I’m from the ‘hood.”
I have definitely given up on games to only come back and sink in dozens of hours because certain patches/updates made it a more complete game. Destiny is a great example, but for me, I gave up on Diablo 3 for a couple of years because the launch was so bad. After Reaper of Souls came out and changes to the loot…
Then they used generic free-use rock music to play behind the video.
One of the greatest things from the final battle scene was the huge shout-out to old Westerns. Look at the landscape around them and it could easily fit in Westworld or a John Wayne film. To hear the Dothraki before they crest the hill was amazing, but to actually get to see them fight and show off their expert level…
I really need to get around to finishing this game, though the game sometimes destroys my soul. There are times I’m making my way through the map to then get attacked by like 3 glinthawks and then I spook some broadhead nearby that start to attack me as well and it can be frustrating, though surviving that onslaught…
I know this is so spoilery, but I couldn’t help it. This does prove a personal theory I had with what happens in the episode correct, but I’m to see it play out will still be awesome.