
As should be said with all Kickstarter failures, investments of all kinds can be volatile and you will lose money sometimes. I think more people that back projects should keep that in mind instead of hoping for a refund. It’s a sunk cost at this point, but it is a difficult pill to swallow since the majority of people

Can we just agree that the idea of watching old NBA guys playing half court ball sounded better than how it’s turned out? I don’t think there is much the league can tweak to make the competition better. Guys retire for a reason and the play has been what you would expect from guys that would wreck your local YMCA. I’d

I will say one thing that doesn’t get brought up is whether the woldwide shortage on NAND flash storage is partly to blame. Unlike the PS4 and Xbox One which come with standard HDDs, the Switch would have flash storage built into it and the current shortage could make creating a decent supply that much harder as

+1 RIP Mitch Hedberg.

Sorry to be that nerd, but the shoryuken is the uppercut attack of Ryu and Ken. You’re thinking of the hadoken (specifically the Shakunetsu Hadoken which is the fire version of the attack).

It’s like people don’t like being lied to. This is as bad as the Eaten Alive stunt. The whole idea was to watch a guy get eaten by a snake. They spent 50 minutes talking about the jungle and locating the snake and the suit he would wear to survive, but then he gets in the pit and it was like 2 minutes of the snake

No, sports are good. Ego maniacs are bad.

This is honestly the weirdest way to implement voice chat. I think if my buddies and I are all at home, we’ll just use Teamspeak or Discord or anything else other than this. On the go, maybe this is accept......NO, this isn’t acceptable anywhere. It should be a 4 pole plug into the device with an app running the VoIP

Putting your cash tip on the table and visibly docking it every time the server displeases you.

Talking helped the most. Recently, my wife and I moved from Texas to Michigan. She drove the U-Haul while towing her vehicle and I drove behind her. For the first few hours or so, it was standard quiet driving and listening to music, but I called her and we talked for the next 8 hours until we got to our midway point

Worst for me was my lab ate about 3/4s of a Costco sized jar of peanut butter while my wife and I were at work. There was shit every where. It took my about 2 hours of intense cleaning to get the smell mostly out of the room. As soon I finished mopping, a stream of shit shot of out of him. I could only stand there and

I refuse to go back to Sprint. I remember being in one of their launch cities when they rolled out their 4G LTE service and it was god awful. I gave it another 6 months and it was just as bad. I switched to Verizon and never looked back.

Actually, if you pre-order the collector’s edition book, Amazon has it for $60 right now. 

No surprise to see that a man ranting about free speech doesn’t understand how it works.

Absolutely. I dreaded playing 3v3 even with friends. Lockout has become our default mode when we want to play elimination. The new maps are also very good. It took a couple matches to remember that Necropolis has a pit in the middle of it, but overall, I like them all.

As great as the dances are in the game, I think the best addition made has been the Lockout Elimination mode in the Arcade. 2 of my friends and I played that mode for 2 straight hours and completed the weekly loot box earnings and even when we lost, we never got salty. In the regular Elimination mode, it would usually

During my high school years, I got a $20 weekly allowance from my grandmother. This usually boiled down to me doing 1 of 2 things: 1) buying 3 packs of Yu-Gi-Oh! cards or saving it for my after game meal during football season. At the time, I was 6'2", 330lbs and played tackle on both sides of the ball. After Friday

As awkward as the storm-out was, the fact he was surround by a dozen or so black children seems so awful. Like small props to say “Hey, I care about ALL people!”

In trying to explain this movie as best as possible without spoiling things for my friends, I landed on the saying “The funniest people are often the saddest.” For 2/3rds of this film, it felt like jokes and quips were coming in a mile a minute, but it later reveals that every one of these characters harbored a deeper

DeShawn Stevenson did a pretty excellent job on James when the Mavericks beat the Heat in the 2011 Finals.