
You know who has really great skin? Beck.

Yeah, I thought he was growing up that season, but the way he and Frank were screaming at Sam (I think Frank even shoved her to the ground) when she was struggling in the final kinda erased all that. And then last season, when he was the one to gas out in a final, the way he screamed at Laurel (who was performing

This story is ground breaking not only because of the courage it's taken for the author to "come out" about her experience, but also because it forces us to engage and acknowledge GSA as a reality. And it can take many different forms that aren't always mutual.

There's no easy way out of this. Whatever happened to us, we have to live with it for the rest of our lives. What I do know is that it doesn't get better if you keep it a secret. You sit there, it lingers, it comes up, and you feel horribly alone

"Women were created from men," says Zach.

swamp donkeys

I guess the notion is that the rib conversion process (that also increases its mass by a huge amount), inevitably hurts the fidelity of the molecular structure.

Can someone explain Misty's appeal?

also, this:

Swearing. For when something is just so F***ing cute it just pisses you off!

I had a friend who (admittedly drunk) decided to inform me that "a job isn't all about money" when discussing his efforts to be "an investor" (don't ask).

I love my job. Not because what I do is interesting or anything, but because this is the only job I've had where I didn't dread going to work.

I didn't think i'd like my job so much, but I do. it's easy and it pays decently, and I love my supervisor. That's all I really need.

I came back from the doctor and said I probably couldn't get pregnant without a lot of help - help I've decided I didn't want. He hugged me, said it was OK, and asked me to marry him. Right there, in the hallway, with a litter box not 2 feet away. I said no.

A friend of mine worked at a coffee shop and had customers repeatedly come in to order "chino."

I don't see what's dumb about customer No. 3. If you're watching your gluten, surely the safest thing is to store it in your stomach so it doesn't get lost?

Holy shit I just googled her natural hair...

"I tried it but it wasn't my thing. I'm probably too old to get it." = Not Shade.

When I was 14 or 15, I participated in a summer live-in college prep program at the local university. There were, IIRC, 125 other high-school kids, along with a dozen or so staff and instructors. At the beginning of the program, they distributed a whole lot of paperwork that most people never read, including a list of

While I agree that most often times honesty is the best policy, fuck that guy for calling you damaged goods.