
Bitches who want to divorce their husbands for beating them be crazy?

Agreed 100%, and this just speaks (again) to the point that "women's interests" are largely considered trival, superficial, stupid, and fake. The fact that we even have a separate designation for fiction about women is bad enough, but on top of that, it's spoken about disparagingly. Like anything else, something based

But the argument really isn't about whether Piccoult or even Weiner is literary. (I agree with you, they aren't) It is that the NYT reviews "pulp" writers who are male, just not "pulp" writers who are female. And that is a pretty incontrovertible truth.

I don't think that's true about Weiner, actually, at all. I would put her in an entirely different category of writing than, say, Sophie Kinsella, whose novels rely on tropes and stereotypes to push through retreads of old plots and stories. While I wouldn't say she's my favourite author, I do think she's a

Yes, there's a decent chance of this. But there's also a chance they'll be able to replace the leaking roof. Pay the church secretary who has always had to volunteer. Expand their soup kitchen. Dole out some emergency funds to the sick and elderly who are about to have some service or other cut off. Plenty of churches

I just thought I would take this moment to share my best Supreme Court justice story.

I, for one, totally related to Val. I think everyone has that special level of drunk where they turn into a legendary character.

Also a shitty way to run an education system. (Sorry, your words struck a chord.)

This is a classic example of hearing "OH MY GOD ARE YOU ILL? YOU LOOK AWFUL" all day when you forget to put on eyeliner.

When I don't wear mascara people ask me if I'm dying of stage 4 cancer, so Uma, I feel yew heavy.

I feel like someone should do this in his courtroom. It would make his head explode:

I hate Ross. He is the worst Friend. His quirks made him just more irritating, unlike Joey or Phoebe or my third nippled friend.

Even if he shot and killed Gurley in a completely and irrefutably justified manner, and let me make it clear the available evidence makes that highly unlikely, he should go to jail for a decade for letting Gurley bleed out for six minutes and die. As a cop part a your job is to attempt to save the lives of even the

... texted his union representative while his victim bled out...

I like to call it "Romantic"

Generally the people who scream "anti-semite" at anyone the tiniest bit critical of Israel or the tiniest bit supportive of Muslims aren't Israelis, or even Jewish. American conservative Christians have found that it's a very handy way to shut down anyone that expresses concern with their open bigotry. These people

I actually scrolled up to check who wrote it thinking "Goddamnit Mark" the whole time but NO.

Ugh. On the one hand, there's no way that this guy is doing the "right" thing. But on the other hand, he's so clearly fucked in the head. I don't want anyone to think I'm making excuses for this behavior, but it's so obvious to me in so many cases that these folks are themselves screwed up by circumstances. It reminds

It reminds me of a story a make-up artist friend of mine once told me (a friend I met through Jezebel, in fact!) about some work she'd done early in her career on a photo shoot for a rather outré London-based S&M magazine. The concept, as the art director had envisaged it, was simple: a guy, naked, wearing a gimp