
I'm not surprised that Lorde weighed in on the topic. This sort of exhibitionism was frowned upon back when she was a teenager.

I legitimately want one of these and I'm genuinely upset that I can't buy one.

He just wanted to meat a nice girl.

Her unused explanations:

My theory, in part, is that a lot of millenials grew up never hearing the allegations. We watched the Cosby Show and the pudding pop and Jello commercials, and bought into the image that Cosby projected. Maybe now that the story is gaining more traction, millenials who have been raised (I think and hope?) to view rape

Damn, if I sucked dick everyday my wife would probably leave me.

Pan De: thank you for your response. I have driven the entire country of Mexico, entering through Matamoros and sampling various regional cuisines in DF, Veracruz, Oaxaca, Puebla, among others. Your assumption that I take Mexican food to mean combo plates with cheese is wholly inaccurate. I am perfectly aware of the

Yeah, I've always thought that was a really odd and borderline creepy argument. Does anyone really think Kim Kardashian resembles an 8-year-old without that tiny patch of hair?

Huh? You're free to like or dislike pubic hair, but I've never understood the "it looks like a child" argument. An adult who shaves their pubes looks adult who shaves their pubes. Or do you actually know little kids with bodies like Kim Kardashian?

Do you feel the same about armpit hair? Children don't have armpit hair. Some women shave their armpits. Do you confuse these women for children?

Mine is more itchy with hair there :/ Damn wiry curlies. Growing-in itchiness is nowhere near as bad as pubes curling back and poking my mons.

This is someone who was hanging out at a trendy, crowded place, it was caught on video, and she went straight to the police, once she figured out what happened. She did everything that every asshole who responds with "BUT DID SHE DO THIS" after hearing a rape account asks about. And she still hasn't seen justice.

Not an MRA, but a martial artist here. My objection to the groin kick is that it is pretty easy to defend against. If you get the chance, by all means go for it. But, don't be overly dependant on it or assume that you will get that chance.

It is my favorite thing when Mr. Roflsauce gets up for work in the morning (he is up hella early for that shit), and I get to immediately shift into diagonal sleep mode. I don't know why it's better, but it is definitely 1000% better.

When my great grandma's health started to decline, we had just gotten a puppy -a crazy energetic golden retriever who jumped on and barked at anything and everything that made her excited, and my GG just loved her, even though we wouldn't let the puppy get too close for fear her knocking GG over. Once she was finally

But they're going to make it anyway. :(

It's not right and it's not okay.