
I love this album! When it came out in the summer I used drink wine and play it loud in my little California bungalow with my doors and windows open on hot nights. It was perfect.

So this story is a bunch of b.s. Yes, Conflict Kitchen allegedly got a death threat. But, they have no idea from whom. Funny how this "proves" the Israeli bully theory, except that how often do Israel supporters send death threats to take out restaurants? This death threat could be from the anti-Israel side than

she doesnt have to walk on it

Regardless of your opinion on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, if your response to someone who disagrees with you is to issue a death threat then you are wrong. Do you imagine that there are acceptable reasons to threaten a person/people with death? Like gamers are crazy to do it when games are criticized but serve

Where are his glasses? He can't see without his glasses!

say whatever you want about Culkin but I would take him over Ashton Kutcher any day

Don't know if this is visible out of the grays, but I got your back:

This, with a caveat. I was in a comfortable relationship that was starting to get very serious, and then I met Mr.SuperCalaWhat, and immediately knew I'd rather be with him than my boyfriend. I then broke up with my boyfriend BEFORE initiating a relationship with Mr., because I realized it didn't matter if Mr and I

So I know you said that this article wasn't for people who had a stress free dress shopping experience...but I just really need to plug the store I went to, because my experience was that awesome (and I had been dreading it for months).

He's so damn sexy in this. I'd only seen him as Sulu before, so I didn't know that as Henry he was gonna make my boxer-briefs drop. Also: funny as hell.

I will take this opportunity to shamelessly start a MY DRESS thread:

That's why I went with an evening gown from Neiman Marcus. Seriously guys, consider going to an upscale department store where they also have fitting attendants but actually let you take pictures! Plus, they're significantly cheaper. I got my dress for $500 and it only needed to be hemmed.

I bought my dress off Etsy about 5 years ago not with the intention of it being my wedding dress bc I was totally against marriage at that point but bc I had to have it. 50's vintage and incredible. Now that I am not dead set against marriage it may serve an actual purpose that is not just to fill my vintage obsession.

I thought Lorde was a 45 year old man from Colorado?

How corny.

I adore Boy George!!! My daughter loves 80s music and insisted on going as him for Halloween when she was 8. I Tweeted her pic and tagged him and he re-Tweeted her and called her gorgeous! Not sure who was more excited about it, her or 14 year old me!!!

Clearly you've never been to a gay wedding.

I am not terribly far from facing Maynard's decision — I have metastatic cancer in my lungs and brain — and I have put a lot of thought into end of life issues from medical, legal, spiritual, and relational perspectives. One thing I have not considered is the perspective of Monsignor Ignacio Carrasco de Paula, because

In that case, it was definitely a sexual behavior for her. Unless her sister was awake though, I don't think it crosses the line into sexual abuse territory. It's on the inappropriate side, but in no way harmful.

Was her sister awake or asleep? I've definitely masturbated with a partner asleep in the same bed, and with other people asleep in the same room. I think it's pretty normal for someone living with roommates. I agree it's a little weird that she did it with her sister in the bed, but I don't think it's anywhere near