

Women get to have a life experience that men do not: they can carry a child within them that they will eventually birth. They get to bond with their unborn child and form attachments far earlier than men do with their children. Jealousy is not the emotion here; it's envy. Pregnancy is pure magic to me, and I envy

Have at it, boys. I have zero objections to sharing the burden of replicating the species. But fair is fair. You also have to copiously bleed from you penis every 28 days with the side effect of extremely painful cramps and you have to keep this secret because of social stigma. Have fun!

Also: The Second You Catcall Me, You Become Instantly and Entirely Unattractive, Regardless of Your Physical Features!

As much as I hate Fox News...


Things that I love more than being called pretty:

My reaction after reading Stephens comments....

hot take: fuck this guy

Nothing makes me want to friendzone a guy more than a guy complaining about being friendzoned. Also, it's too bad a fedora isn't included in that list of things to buy

Baby Halloween costume thread! Here's my Mini-Pie as Boo:

They're nice boobs.

What was that old argument that stupid and terrible DARE tried to scare kids with? That drug dealers will give you a free "sample" to get you hooked and addicted? Yeah right. Drug dealers don't give away free product.

I'm pretty sure the plural of "squid" is "squee."

I like this one.

I've heard this a lot, but im reminded of an old PBS show with james randi where he showed a russian "psychic" a picture of a man and asked her to "read" him. She made some vague comments about him being sensitive and kind. It turned out it was Ted Bundy.

Eight women, all different, from different walks of life. One a semi-popular television actress...

I love that they took turns on who was Kanye and who was Kim. Well done. Also just realizing Kanye could be my tomboy style muse even though i'm a tiny lesbian lady.

Literally all of the outfits look better on Katie and Kathleen. Especially Kanye's.