
You know, she was treated like shit and should absolutely call out the crap policies that led to the treatment she got. I'm just not sure she's going about it the right way. Going to the same media that has been over-sensationalizing every single case of Ebola in this country and saying you aren't going to follow the

Being a guy, I can never really understand how this feels for a woman, but what surprised me was the cumulative feeling of disgust I felt as the video went on. Each comment was compounded by all the comments that preceded it. I can only imagine what that must feel like at the end of an entire day.

OMG that guy silently walking by her for 5 minutes. Blech! Gave me the chills.

I got chucked by my partner of 7 and 1/2 years four weeks ago. Suffice to say I have been taking it like a pro (endless crying, not eating, not sleeping, the usual) and my friends decided I needed to go out and have a few drinks just to get me out and socialising again. Guess who was sitting in the same pub, with

Umm, true story, I ran into an ex on a date once, and he was on a date too, and I spent the rest of the night in tears and the guy I was with never called me again.

Stop fighting it. Let us love you!!

"Maturing is realizing how many things don't require your comment."

My favorite zippy comeback line is one I got from my boss. She was working the till, and chatting with an old lady who comes in to buy vegetables sometimes. Boss says something innocuous, like, "Oh, do you enjoy cooking?" And the old lady says, "Sweetie, when we got married I told my husband to pick one room for me to

They tend to argue that their hair doesn't smell. I tend to argue that they are wrong.

She Clarksonizes songs, indeed. That's one of the difference between a good singer and a great singer, being able to take a song and make it your own. I don't regularly listen to Kelly Clarkson unless one of her songs comes on the radio while I'm driving, but every time I hear her, there's a certain raw honesty

Are you sure you're not a robot, AnglKat?

As a gamma male I mostly wear the pants. Unless I get angry if that happens I just bust right out of them. I usually like to wear purple pants as that color compliments my slighty greenish skin tone.

Not cool to bring Pusheen into this.

Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die.

They are both very pretty. I'm jealous of their apple cheeks.

The core of this problem is the same core problem as MOST problems we face as a species. It's all about people's warped idea of risk and how to properly assess probabilities. You can see this all over the landscape, from people who refuse to own a gun for fear of their children getting hurt who still decide to have a

Straight out bragging here. I buy boxes of full size candy at Costco and give them all out. I live on a corner in a really nice house and light up the yard with inflatable ghosts and spiders and pumpkins so everyone knows there is candy here. Lots of kids get driven to the neighborhood (we see the cars) and I have a

She could just start handing out yuppie "healthy" treats. Kids of all walks of life will stop bugging her pretty damned quick. She could also simply turn off her porch light and not participate, because it's clear she doesn't enjoy receiving trick or treaters, so she can fuck off.

I live kind of, across the way from a really nice neighborhood. Like, an NFL player lives nearby. My house is more in the "new owner" kind of size, but there are some fucking awesome houses. It's got the same kind of deal: every Halloween, buckets of kids come in from everywhere to go trick or treating. And you know

This is not just a "rich people" issue. I know plenty of middle class people in safe neighborhoods that get super pissed when carloads of kids from poorer areas get dropped off. Frankly I never understood the big deal. More kids means less candy for me to deal with later. Besides, if *I* lived in a less than safe