
As the resident Paul Bunyan in many of my relationships, please don't do that. It's pretty condescending and infantilizing. I'm on to people who do it, and it makes me feel manipulated, and honestly, rather angry.

Sometimes it's best to err on the side of leaving strangers alone.

He was a legal resident, not a citizen. You can have a SSN without being a citizen and you can do things like apply for loans, buy property, start businesses, etc. by simply being a resident. Citizenship grants you additional rights like voting, having a passport, NOT getting deported but, in terms of everyday life,

Look, I get why she's upset. I would be, too, if I thought I was getting something (that I paid handsomely for) and ended up getting something else. But there's no return policy on a baby, so you have to suck it up and make the most of it. You live in Podunk, Ohio and there aren't any other black people around and you

Next stop? Let's address the boys' outfit issues as well:

That's why I try to limit myself to one glass of wine a day. Cheers!

In the run-up to my wedding I'd started going just a teeny bit crazy (meltdowns over seating plans, nightmares about the dress, insisting we hand-pick vintage paperback books for every guest, etc.) and then three weeks before MrDalloway and I went to a truly awful wedding. The groom is the brother of a friend of MrD;

My best one has to be last year, when I was in my friend Dave's wedding (not his real name). The wedding itself went fine, except for when the lights flickered in the church during the vows and everyone freaked out and the bride's grandmother wanted to start the vows over.

I married an Egyptian and ours was the worst ever.

I suppose you are looking for something more dramatic than, "I got there, and it was a cash bar."

I'll have you know it took a great deal of restraint not to respond with "I am. Fingers crossed there'll be a second one any day now" as opposed to saying "Yup" and checking my watch.

I was at a Jewish wedding once where, late into the reception, one of the brides' shiksa sorority sisters drunkenly said that breaking the glass looked like a lot of fun grabbed one of the champagne glasses put it on the ground and suffered a super-bad high ankle sprain trying to smash it while heels. Had to be

Hat-Themed wedding.

So much of this is terrible but my inner five-year-old is like

From that day at the doctor's office to my twenties, ED was a kind of pop culture. I read the books, watched the Lifetime movies (one very good one starred Tracey Gold from Growing Pains), and while most carried a warning, I treated them all like a makeover episode of a daytime talk show and went nuts for The

I agree that it's a silly prejudice. But maybe, just maybe, we can try to view the "no bisexual" thing from the perspective of lesbians? There is the fear -and you can say it's irrational but since when have fears ever been rational anyway? - that a woman who is bisexual will end up eventually wih a man.

I really could not care if a woman has been with or is interested in men, but I can kind of see the hesitation in dating women who have never been involved with another woman before. I'm gay, and I've been out for over a decade. I've tried dating a couple women that have never been with women before and there were