
Billboards are illegal in this tiny and picturesque province in which I live. Something about preserving the pastoral splendour of our gentle rolling countryside and breathtaking seaside views, eh? I don't think we're missing out on much, apparently.

How you chewin'?

I worked as a domestic violence attorney for almost 7 years and the only times I ever saw police or judges take domestic violence seriously were those cases in which pets were hurt or threatened. I love animals too, but I quickly became frustrated that it is (seemingly) acceptable for men (I have only encountered

Am I wrong to want to have this discussion?

The person with superior strength and training has the higher responsibility to not use that knowledge to hurt people in a fit of anger or convenience. It doesn't matter if they are man or woman.

I have taken self defense classes and am a Foster Parent. The knowledge from those classes have helped me protect myself

At this point, he began angrily shaking a bottle of ketchup, dumped it all over his once-beautiful porterhouse


Yeah...? Again, where are you saying you see those responses? Because if you're looking at comments on news stories and sites like Jezebel, there are a plenty of cops denouncing this sort of thing but they don't put a disclaimer in every post saying "I'm in law enforcement". They just say "This is not cool".



Willem Belli?! I'd recognize those gams anywhere.

The actresses claimed a violation of privacy—rightly so—and blamed a hacker who grabbed them off the "cloud." Problem is a "cloud" provides about as much protection as the rhythm method

It doesn't take a media critic to understand that there's a difference between profiting from covering an ongoing story that's unfolding on the Internet and therefore newsworthy and profiting from the fact that a bunch of people are using your site to disseminate illegally obtained nude photos EXPLICITLY TO FAP TO,

Before everyone gets up in arms with the "HE GOT AWAY WITH MURDER" (not true) brouhaha, this seems like the right decision from a legal standpoint. I have no idea how you could prove this was premeditated given the circumstances. A manslaughter-esque/murder 2-esque conviction seems much more appropriate. **He's still

This is what Britney looks like when she determines you must be destroyed.

I am Glute.

Sea lion pups are way cuter.

Do you remember the story about the blind baby seal? UGH. I cried embarrassing amounts.

Wardrobe should include: Driving mocs, Barbour coat, Half-Zips (at least 3, please send pics if possible), Ray-Bans (Wayfarers or Clubmastesr preferred, but open to other styles), loafers, Patagonia vest(s), Vineyard Vines, basketball shorts for me to sleep in

Yep. You can replace "Ravens" with "NFL" and it's the same thing. It doesn't matter who did or didn't see it. They were never going to give much of a shit until WE saw it.