
And what’s the giant supercomputer with Perlmutter’s mind for an OS doing now?

Gregg was in character as the jokester so you can’t really put the blame on him.

Another Delgado and Rosetti goon? You’ll never get a cent from Tim again!

I’m surprised he’s not in it. 

Werner Herzog works, too.

My immediate and visceral reaction to seeing that top screenshot was “I hate this.” Then my brain throbbed a bit.

All three of the people you just listed had their story telling abilities slowly go off the rails after Sakaguchi left the company. That’s the real reason you can’t make Final Fantasy VII in 2020. The technological achievement was never what made people love it for all these years.

Everything you’ve said is correct, yet the proof is in the pudding :p

We paid to experience the story that we love. Not to have it rewritten. Especially not by people who made all the dull spin offs.

Look at the team that made it and ask which is more likely of an outcome.

Nothing slows an economy down quite like mass death.

The potential for alerts/notifications is nice

The tight spaces stuff, if I recall correctly, is typically a trick used to hide loading times from players, which is how the game gets away with (almost) no loading times.

I’m using those Sony headphones at this very moment while working from home. They really are great. 

I’m using those Sony headphones at this very moment while working from home. They really are great. 

Meanwhile my STUPIDLY LARGE COMPUTER is re-badged and kitted out as an EBM Virtual Reality Host mainframe. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Ha, I see what you’re going for but I assure you that was not intentional! It’s the five best Final Fantasy games + Bravely Default, which is (at least in title) not a Final Fantasy.

Ha, I see what you’re going for but I assure you that was not intentional! It’s the five best Final Fantasy games +

Maybe aligning themselves with people who believe white men are above everything else was their first mistake.

You want something strange? Ive got it. It is the most amazingly weird game I have ever played. its name is Space Funeral.

A Short Hike.

I had a brain fart thinking I was buying Cadence of Hyrule... ended up with Crypt of the Necrodancer for like $4.

Holy moley, that game is great. Obviouly from the same dev or what not but if $25 bones for zelda is too much, check out the other title from the dev.