Kid Mexico

Nothing pisses me off more than people bitching about my generation. Oh, I’m sorry, did WE fuck up the whole planet? Did WE pump greenhouse gasses into the air for decades and refuse to do anything about climate change? Did WE decide to exist in a state of perpetual war? Did WE obliterate the social safety net, and

Even Ben Carson’s picture looks like he has no idea wtf he’s doing there...

My roommate has been SHITTING HIS PANTS waiting for this game. He’s a console guy, and I am a PC guy.

Oh my god, when I was a teenager, I dated this super religious girl for a while. It was like, a BIG DEAL when we decided to finally cross that line and... do handjobs. =(

See, I have the reverse issue! I’ll totally give some awesome head (I’m pretty good at it, if I do say so myself!), but please don’t put your mouth on or around my penis. My reasons can be summed up thus: I think penises are gross, but I don’t mind vaginas. Plus, ladies often times want to kiss you during / after sex,

This conflates issues that many black activists see as separate, and I’m coming around to their line of thinking.

Yep, right there with ya. We’re totally moded.

I am legit watching this from my toilet.

Yeah, but 10 people is like 5,000 people in the metric system.

Basically, the devs came up with the ultimate nightmare scenario: what happens when you turn prisons in to for-profit companies?

Fast travel ruined Skyrim.

I totally feel you man, I actually didn’t know what that was until about a month ago. Everyone acts like it’s super common or something, but I’m a total internet person, and I still never saw it. The worst part was, I wrote like five awesome paragraphs to totally smack down a stupid troll, and he just replied with

I have my mugshot framed. But I was arrested at a protest, hence the pride.

Can anyone tell me if the non-Damon Bourne movie is worth watching? My gut says no, but my heart begs for yes.

Seriously? The department had no female officers that could have done this interview? They had to get some middle-aged dude? I mean, might not seem like a huge deal, but if I was in her position, I would want to talk to a female. Not saying anything about that particular officer; maybe he did a great job. Just maybe

Thanks, no one was being sane. Fuck the military, we shouldn’t have one during peacetime.

This is the most liberal site I’ve read (yes, even worse than the Huffington Post).

I have to wear masks at protests so I don’t get fired from the alarm company I work for. Heart goes out to this guy.

Jeez. Aw jeez. =.)

This is a story about how I almost got kicked off a plane a few weeks ago: