You shouldn’t link people to Slate. It’s bad for them.
You shouldn’t link people to Slate. It’s bad for them.
Fuck me, how much did it cost to send seven fucking marshals to this guy’s house? This country...
Isn’t capitalism great!?!?!
Oh my god.
Holy shit, that writer was taking some serious (and well deserved) heat on twitter. He even made his account private.
Okay, but remember, the Trib has a ton or racist bullshit come out of it. Remember when they had that piece about wishing for their own Katrina to wash away all the undesirables or whatever?
I read this comment and that is not an experience I would wish on anyone.
I dated a girl for four years who treated me like garbage. I was so head-over-heels in love with her that I didn’t even give a shit. In fact, I was proud of my endless capacity to deal with her bullshit; I saw it as a sign that I was truly in love with this person.
Lol as opposed to other celebrity news which is decidedly NOT stupid.
Yeah, democracy is overrated anyway!
Hahahahaha, I grew up surrounded by lawyers. I still am surrounded by them. After all these years I feel qualified to state with total certainty: the only worse people than lawyers are law professors. /whispers to self: “IHATEYOUDAD!”
Okay, so maybe don’t throw around the lawyer thing to try to impress people. I may not be a lawyer, but my pops is a law professor at one of the top law schools in the country. I can tell you that my whole life I’ve been around lawyers, and do not find them impressive.
Solid point, but here’s the difference as I see it (and I will acknowledge ahead of time that this is a rationalization, as people died either way). Support for the PLCAA (which he has now pledged to repeal) could have been done for reasons other than to kill inner city kids. You can’t support an invasion of a country …
Yeah, that’s a fine explanation for me. Yes, gender is a factor (as it should be) but it’s more important that you can get behind (or excited about) her policies. I’ve honestly got fatigue from trying to explain the issues I see with Clinton, so suffice to say that I can’t get behind her policies as they are, and her…
Parting thought: go back and count the times I’m called an obnoxious asshole in this thread, then count the times I’ve called people names or insulted them personally. Maybe it’s not just the Sanders supporters that could turn it down a few notches...
Haha, well at least you didn’t call me sexist!
Huh. Struck a nerve here. But yeah, I guess we Bernie Bros need to tone it down some...
Okay, I think we are getting to the core of the issue here. I hate the democrats. Seriously: how many people has your current “standard bearer” murdered? Remember that hospital in Afghanistan? I hate him for that. Remember those weddings in Yemen? I hate him for that. Remember his broken promise to close Guantanamo? I…