Zelda...but no Constructor HD? Pffft, some UK site...
Zelda...but no Constructor HD? Pffft, some UK site...
With games being so cheap and so easily accessible, it’s a wonder why people still do it. With the likes of GOG and Steam alone, never mind the others, gaming on PC has has never really been better...or cheaper.
They can keep worrying.
That UnderRail, it has a lot of flaws but goddamn it’s good. It came just when i needed it, just as Fallout 4 let me down.
There are barely any games i can’t get working on newer PC’s, but then again...I’m not sure if you were just trolling.
...and across the globe, fist-pumps everywhere.
The only people that think FF8’s story is worse than 90% of the rest of the series are people that don’t know what good stories and characters are in the first place. Final Fantasy is not really the place for that sort of thing.
I’m with you, on the notion that FFVI is the best, kind of hard to dispute that. As a game…
Going to get that demo now, just in case this gets taken down soon. Looks pretty good so far.
I’d rather people just stopped keeping them afloat with a bizarre charge that people don’t really need to pay. I never said i was above all, you’re just putting words in my mouth there.
I don’t subscribe to MMO’s either, not a practice i am fond of. So you realised you were being duped, then went to go pay for another bad service? Do people go around saying Netflix and Crunchyroll give them free movies and shows too?
I’d rather just buy the games and not need the subscription to play them. The…
Until you stop paying the subscription, of course. So they aren’t really free...just rentals.
While we are changing the subject to other things, when are they going to acknowledge that charging people for playing online is pretty much just a shit business practice?
Oh wait...this isn’t about that, sorry.
“Valve haven’t given us anything to go on, so i must make an article and be very negative in the title via social media, rather than the article itself. I have to get those clicks!”
Very good, Jason. Very good.
Have you dealt with Microsofts customer service? It was so bad that i stopped paying for xbox live and sold my 360. That was 6 years ago, but they used to treat their customers like complete idiots.
“pull out the cable and put it in the other way round”...it’s almost funny.
You used to see it quite a lot around forums, people crying out about how bad consoles are and how they would just love a Dreamcast 2. If anything, the 360 was about as close as would get to a Dreamcast 2. Online focused library, similar pad, questionable build quality...
Not sure i would say they are boring, we are just used to them. I’m still pretty excited to tick off some of the games on my rather large wishlist.
Regardless of how they offer the game across multiple platforms, it IS still available across several platforms. We could be pedantic and pick holes in it, but it doesn’t stop the statement being true.
Why not remaster? It never really was that great a game but some people still enjoyed it. It is one of those games that is a complete bastard to get working on modern machines too, so a remaster is perfect for it.
Not sure i would pay that amount for it, but when a sale comes along I’ll probably give it a go.
It was on the PC back in the day too.
Fallout 4 is definitely up there with my biggest disappointment, it’s not a bad game but it is definitely pretty far from being something I’d consider to be a great Fallout title. It’s hardly a struggle to survive when you can take on supermutants from the get go.
I thought this year was alright, nothing amazingly…
If you look at the whole discussion here, it really only seems to be you failing to comprehend anything. No one here was in support of pirating, stealing or distributing games. You just came to that conclusion, tried to make it the point of discussion and just kept returning to it.