Some good work by Sophia here, and what a complete lack of integrity by the ESA here. At what point did they think it would be a good idea to have that list on their site and freely available to download?
Some good work by Sophia here, and what a complete lack of integrity by the ESA here. At what point did they think it would be a good idea to have that list on their site and freely available to download?
Isn’t this quite a common theme in a lot of games, and arguably overdone to some extent?
Not saying it’s a bad endgame or objective, but we certainly aren’t short of it.
When you’ve lost all sense of reason and start waffling about oppression and power structures, you may have just gone off the deep end. That or just have a very naive outlook on life.
Glad to see that journalists don’t actually have much to complain about today though, shows what a great world we are living in.
It is rather difficult to return to. I spend most of my time thinking “god, this looks awful” or “I really wish this was at least 60fps”.
hate those jarring moments when playing a game pushed to it’s limits, just to have gameplay broken up with pre-rendered cutscenes that look worse than the in-game visuals.
You don’t need evidence if you just “think” there was misconduct...apparently.
They really need to fix this game!
Feels like this racism card can be played with less mana every day.
I mean, if you only have a small batch available then you will probably sell out.
To be fair, the posters aren’t wrong.
Why would you only assume the worst? Preservation is really important in any medium, and more people having access to the game is also a great thing.
I’d like to see an official release elsewhere, but that will probably never happen.
“On why it’s taken so long to make a new 2D Metroid game:“
2D? 3D models on a 2D plane isn’t really 2D.
All for diverstity but just doesn’t like Anita’s “work” or the notion of an overbearing “Patriarchy”?
Sounds perfectly acceptable.
Such a wonderful system, and incredibly underrated.
Nah, not even close. Though I guess it depends on which part of the world you are located.
I guess, if you want games available elsewhere at cheaper prices and a poor looking Bomberman title.
I always found the subject of table manners to be rather hilarious, some really do care too much about how other people eat.
It’s one thing to have a mouthful of food, trying to talk and spitting food at people...but judging others because they don’t hold or lay the cutlery like you is possibly the hight of…
XCOM2 isn’t even the best in the series, never mind one of the best games on PC. Are we just glazing over it’s lack of replayability, performance issues, awful load times, it’s bugs and it’s rather lacklustre attempt at the Geoscape?
It’s an alright game when it works properly, but it’s far from a best title.
Is there PC demo up yet? I saw there was one for the Xbone but not on the Win 10 store.
I honestly think it looks and sounds alright, though it’s too early to actually say. With the MGSV gameplay, it could make for a lot of mission based Co-Op fun.