Everyone complains about the monkeys in the second stage of Lion King, but even as a kid, I found that pattern pretty easy to figure out. The part that can go to hell is the ostrich bit where the instant KO branches blend into the trees.
Everyone complains about the monkeys in the second stage of Lion King, but even as a kid, I found that pattern pretty easy to figure out. The part that can go to hell is the ostrich bit where the instant KO branches blend into the trees.
I think we found the irrational one though and it’s not the one with an inability to relate to the female main character.
I was about to say the same thing! Like, umm there is one comment? And I don’t think he is flaming or complaining, he’s just saying he can’t put himself in the protagonist’s shoes, which I would say is fair. Seemed reasonable.
I see one post where they say they can’t relate to a female protagonist and the grey’s are pretty tame.
You must have missed the part where they were offered the slot, agreed to it, then pulled at the very last minute and not given a reason. This after advertising to their audience and spotlighting PAX. That is as shady as busines practices come.
Chris is a liberal and the podcast is apolitical. This article seems so misinformed. Calling Chris a conservative talking head is insane.
In my opinion, it seems you along with Polygon have some personal vendetta against David Cage. Your review turned me off because of how downright nasty you were throughout most of it, filled with disdain and almost what seemed like disgust for David Cage. As someone who adored Heavy Rain and still plays Beyond 2 Souls…
You know you a troll and a white one at that. You are definitely not who you say you are, so fuck off with that shit. Sashay away with your internet drag before I shade you into the filth your mama birthed you in outside the Piggly-Wiggly.
You are a caricature of life.
The author of the book was white. He was writing his own nostalgia. It wasn’t meant to be inclusive. It wasn’t meant to represent other people’s childhoods. He put a token character in there, but that was the beginning and end of it. Then they had one of the whitest nostalgia directors of all time directing the movie.…
I’ll preface this by saying that you are completely within your right to do whatever you want and that this is not directed at you personally:
I genuinely do not understand how people can function like this.
“One person tied to this piece of media (game/tv-show/movie/etc) has said or done something I don’t agree with, I…
Okay, I’m confused. Kotaku reports that his tweets were so bad that his place of employment saw fit to fire him for his private life that in no way reflects on the company. Then of the two tweets reproduced, one is a verifiable fact that has been widely stated by sociologists and political scientists. The other is a…
The fun part is racism being exclaimed by white people on behalf of black people. That puzzle is the hardest to solve
Every accusation comes with “Cards that declare racism cost (1) less while this is in play.” so it ramps up pretty easily.
I don’t think anyone is actually surprised the XBX couldn’t outsell PlayStation in Japan.
After reading this I’m hoping two things:
1) I hope that the studio doesn’t get ceased and desisted by EA, who owns Theme Hospital. I say this because the games REALLY look alike.
2) I hope the studio aims to maintain the charm and humor of TH, because that’s what made the game for many of us. If they go for a realistic…
Yes, clearly only one side is being abusive and silly when confronted with innocent comments. ~popcorn~ Please keep up the fight for mutual civility and understanding!
Half the comments on Kotaku (there are 6 as of this posting) are just as bad as you'd find on that shitty subreddit.