Your anger, your abusive retorts and your highly reductive reasoning alludes to you being very deluded about your own level of intelligence.
Your anger, your abusive retorts and your highly reductive reasoning alludes to you being very deluded about your own level of intelligence.
It’s cool, i didn’t ask for any sympathy from you. I also didn’t say anything about “stealing” games...emulating, not stealing. For context on my original post, i own both a Wii and a copy of Monster Hunter Tri. The difference is that i prefer to emulate it because it looks and performs a lot better on the emulatorand…
Gaming, especially PC gaming, is probably in the best state it has ever been; in terms of variety, quality and pricing the consumer’s cup is literally flowing over with great choices.
With decent builds being more affordable than they ever were, no player has to be left out of the loop. 30+ years of games and a…
No one wants to emulate the games, most people would rather they just had access to the games without needing to invest in a nigh on pointless machine. If these games actually need some kind of specific hardware or interface, there is a better argument for them, but there is usually very little to justify those types…
I would just rather see them focus on games rather than hardware. They have shown that they are willing to invest in titles that others would not, and i think it would be better for them to invest fully in the development of tiles rather than hardare people don’t want.
If only Nintendo and other publishers released them where people wanted the games in the first place, then we wouldn’t need to emulate them. Monster Hunter is glorious on Dolphin, along with a lot of other titles.
So most of the fans will just turn around and use emulation instead?
Nice one, Squeenix. You got this good business thing down.
Though i was really looking forward to it, it actually came to be fairly disappointing. I like old Fallouts and the original Wasteland, but I just can’t get more than a few hours into WL2 without wanting to switch it off.
Someone points out the game is kinda mediocre, okay but average, and the defence league go nuts. It’s not even in the top 4 Fallout games, never mind the best one.
It’s fun to play but it’s nowhere near the best in the series, never mind any other mantle people are trying to give it. opinion, of course! :/
It’s a good game in in the sense that it does many thing okay, but it never does anything great. It’s not really a very good Fallout game either, probably about 5th in the franchise behind FO1&2, FO:NV and FO3.
It’s not a case of trying to be edgy, or trying to be against the grain like all of these replies suggest.…
It might actually feel slightly like a Fallout game in this form. Inject some actual decision making and it’ll be worthy of the name.
XBL and PSN are literally the worst DRM around, most DRM doesn’t cost an annual subscription.
I’ve not read something this sensible on the Intenet in quite a long time. It’s just like in Dark Souls, seeing the sun after a weekend spent in Blighttown.
Looks fairly awful. I’m not really into novelty pads though.
Taking another swing at hardware, eh?
They could have had this all sorted out with a TV connection for the DS, YEARS ago. Plugging the PSP into the TV was great when sat at home and it would have been even better with a DS, i would have played it far more than i did had that been the case.
“Lets keep making lacklustre…
It’s a full price game and people are already paying a monthly sub via PS+/XBL to play the thing online, that’s probably why.
No, fuck MS and Sony too. The difference is that they have gathered enough interest from 3rd party devs, support their main hardware better and actually have some basic understanding of the internet in general.
Maybe they won’t release their titles on an irrelevant pieces of outdated hardware next time, they might just release them somewhere that anybody cares about.
They may even make a massive profit doing it too. Fairly certain they could still sell their Amiibo’s while making games on a PC.