In fact, DLC for a game released last year made the cut over that.
Kinda Ridiculous.
In fact, DLC for a game released last year made the cut over that.
Kinda Ridiculous.
Destiny...when DLC is called a “game”.
They stopped charging for free games?
Fallout 1&2 will always be far and away the best game in the series, but that is not to say that FO3 and NV are bad games by any means. Saying that FO3 is the “worst” of those 4 titles is hardly saying it’s bad either, just not as good as the others.
I loved Fallout 1&2 and had some reverence for Tactics before playing…
Looking forward to going through it again, not my fav by any means but has some cool elements and mechanics to it.
Nice, started playing it again back when the last patch was done, It still hold up pretty well if you ask me. It was Obsidian though, so that makes a lot of sense.
So, will the West actually get this in any form? Will there be a PC release?
Probably not, I’m guessing...but hopefully wrong.
If mario had been the first scrolling platformer then maybe they might have been.
Koei Tecmo
There goes any hope i had in this.
Your TV liscense is TOTALLY worth it though...
I think the Dreamcast has some great games, but never really did like the console itself. It’s a noisey beast and has probably one of the worst pads, seems to get hyped up a little more than it actually deserves sometimes. Just when it comes to the people wanting a “Dreamcast 2”, sounds kind of ridiculous.
Really wish…
How you you sell “10 years of Destiny” when the first year was horrendously lacklustre and probably not worth the time investment?
Think I’d rather do the laundry.
An original Xbox pad with bad stick layout? No thanks.
Nintendo being dicks?! Get outta town!
The Demo discs from magazines were always interesting, especially in the earlier days. It had an air of the Home Computer magazines and their cover Disks and Cassettes, they would offer small playable sections of games and sometimes odd software or video’s/demos.
My favourite memory was a friend trying to convince me…
Oh of course, Importing is always an option but Sega didn’t exactly help get a lot of the fantastic Japanese titles over here. I only started importing for it a few years ago, had a lot of the titles been available then I’m sure i may have actually been far more interested at the time.
Sony buying up Psygnosis made a…
I really like the Mega/Sega CD, but it was a failed add-on. They didn’t market it right, most devs didn’t take advantage of the CD medium properly and as you said...they segregated their user base with varying models of the same thing.
I was determined to get a Sega Saturn when i was younger, but it’s large price…
This is possibly the best reply i have seen on Kotaku. I liked Sega back in the day, but they were total idiots. The Dreamcast was okay but there were some massive faults, it has some wonderful games in it’s library but it’s not a console i have a real fondness for, though it’s build quality, unreliability and bad…
Or just don’t play them in a while, longer than 3 years, and find other games to love. I like the idea of the article but i think I’d rather just find a “new” game to fall in love with.