
Looks a lot like Syndicate, which can only be a good thing. A real nice homage to Bullfrog, for sure.

Complains about pointless, money grabbing additional Transactions in games. Still pays for PS+ or XBL to unlock multiplayer in all games.

I have no issues with using a Ethernet connection, as long as i can stream games from my powerful machine to my weaker one in the livingroom i couldn’t care how it is done.


It’s moments like this you wish that you knew how to use Photoshop. :/

Yeah, top notch quality.

I’ll wait until it’s out until i make any criticisms about the amount of content.

I thought Battlefront 1&2 were okay, but i don’t think i was into it quite as much as some people seem to have been. Going back to it recently, i can say that it hasn’t aged all that well.

Gameplay in BF3&4 has been solid and i am glad it is Dice that got the chance to make a Star Wars title, they are one of the few

People trying so hard to hate on this, it’s actually hilarious.

I really like the Patlabor movies, though i like a lot of anime form that era...regardless of it’s quality. It may just be nostalgia that brings me to the 80’s and 90’s era, but there was something about it which just felt like i had to watch it and it really sucked me in.

I watch the odd anime series now but i very

Say you caught a friend streaming PC games to his Xbone, how hard a slap is too hard?

I mean, he’d get one for having an Xbone in the house anyway, but what would be the perfect impact for “I love you mate, but sort your bloody life out.”?

At least there are people trying to make the effort. Not that anyone will jump on board, devs or customers. Will all be too busy with auto aim and fumbling about in FPS games with a pad. :(

I check Destiny articles just to see if anyone is actually still playing it. Talk about trying to ger your monies worth...

I love that you think anything other than PS4 is “shooty brah platform”, it’s really quite cute.

Ooops, you’re right. lol

Sorry PS4... *Snatches back “exclusive”*

Definitely a contender for best exclusive on PS4 so far.

Hard Corps Uprising certainly needs another installment, or at least a damn steam release. Would kill to get some online 2P games on. :(

Already better than every Sonic game after S&K...and he didn’t even speak once!

Gods be praised.

Could be worse, could have just been shit at a game and then been really smarmy about it in a first 5 minute gameplay vid.

It’s a damn shame all round to be honest.