Fallout 4 announced.
Fallout 4 announced.
To be fair, it probably just struggled to run Netflix and decided self immolation was the best decision.
Is this possibly up to the decision of the developer or publisher? Not sure if it is dishonest, but it is definitely misleading and a little messed up
To be fair, they did just give him the best answer possible. Some damn fine customer service right there.
My main source is that i don’t know anyone, outside of a parent maybe buying one for their kid, that actually uses or even owns a Wii U. Even online i see very little evidence to suggest that Wii U is doing anything close to “good”.
No floppy drive? Nah...I’m good, thanks.
That Dubmood in the soundtrack, i was sold the second i heard it.
Since when has stating a fact been an “attempt at comedy”? You may need to stop thinking so hard about comments you see on the internet, use that energy for something more productive. ;)
How long until the 32Gb is dead, like in every other region?
Reckon he’ll eventually put in a bottle of spray cleaner and a cloth so you can clean the walls. You know, so you can see the switches?
But to be fair, they aren’t really a proper Videogame company anymore. It was different when it was the time of arcades, when people would pump money into machines and ports were generally cheap and quick to make. They have a lot of other ventures that are far easier to make money from, and far more reliable. They…
Wow, something worth watching on ESPN? That’s great!
To be fair, Nintendo is about one of the most vile things you could dabble in. People have been disowned by their families for getting involved in less.
Another twitter post blown out of proportion. Brilliant.
Wii U performance shocker. Though i think the platform is crap, it still offers more than the PS4 and Xbone at the moment. I mean, if you are going for either of them then you may as well just get a PC at the end of the day.
It would be different if Sony and MS were actually bothering to develop first party products,…
Monster Hunter is undoubtedly the better option of the two, but it is kind of a harsh comparison. You could compare any title on 3DS to Monster Hunter then it will still come out on top.
Would an option to turn on/off voice chat really be that big a deal?
So...F2P Pokemon game, DLC, Fatal Frame, a mode in MK that is actually kinda fast and a Forest Gump quote?