
Politicizing a situation is the most annoying way in which you can dissect it. I come to gaming websites for the juice, but this is the arsenic that somebody spent more effort squeezing from the seeds.

Because when the adults were kids, they were taught to be actively offended instead of being off-put or disinterested, and they were also taught that being offended is the most inhuman thing that can happen and not to tolerate it. They’re all going to die unhappy, even if their every ideal is catered to.

That’s like saying that buying luxurious and expensive items will deter burglars, or wearing gold chains and watches will deter muggers. I hate that argument as much as the people who use it.

This is an attempt to paint a picture of pirates buying good games and stealing games that they know are shit. Give me a break. The reality is if you pirate, you steal EVERYTHING, and you only keep the quality games.

Unlikely, since the series relies so heavily upon keeping classic visual assets in order to keep content at max and production time at minimum. That said, if you’ve ever played the Wii U version of 3U, you’ll get an idea of what we can expect here. It looked great in motion with HD visuals, even if stills or close-ups

Which is very true. I had a shitload of trouble having my car inspected after I put European HID headlights and dropped the suspension height almost 2 inches. That analogy actually sets a more stringent precedent.

Precisely why they don’t get their system bricked or end up under legal fire. They agree to terms when they access the online service. They break the rules. They lose online privileges.

Reminds me of Shawshank Redemption.

Well, a lot of us have been here a long time, many BEFORE kotaku was dedicated to partisan politics and social issues- so it shouldn’t be surprising that many won’t expect or enjoy the spin over content and many neutral folks will see it as narrative toting or unnecessary annoyance.

That’s just you. I put the dock away the third day and haven’t used it since. Clearly, it’s just a matter of preference.


Gee, are you sure? That’s amazing!

Because anybody who doesn’t like sociopolitical click bait clogging their videogame news is obviously alt right, lol.

Which forces me to ask- why is kotaku involved in the political spectrum? I just want to read about games. Politics pervade everything, yes- but it doesn’t have to be reported in interest pieces just to get a comment section jerkoff raging.

No, but kotaku tends to focus on social issues as much as gaming. It’s annoying to readers who actually come here for neutral videogame news when a good website slowly becomes a clickbaity array of issue pushing.

I’ve gotten as much as 3, but usually only 2 for time constraints:

I’m thinking the “farm two or three star fragments in a single night” exploit is getting nailed if it hasn’t already. Good thing I already maxed out my Twilight set and have nearly maxed the rest out as well.

I made sure to scroll just to look for this comment. Humanity has gotten more generic-stupid than ever. Except for you and myself ;)

Then you can get the Fire Rodney Mullen.

Yeah, I don’t like that. Thanks for the heads up though.